Somehow, in the year 2017, we are reporting on the release of an all-new Game Boy Game — and we couldn’t be more delighted. Tobu Tobu Girl, a brand new title from Tangram Games, was developed to not only look and play like a classic Game Boy game, but also to physically play with a Game Boy as well. Nostalgic gamers (who still have working Game Boy handhelds), this one’s for you. Check out the trailer below:
Videos by ComicBook.com
In Tobu Tobu Girl, the player must save their air-bound feline companion as it floats toward the sky. The game’s official website describes it as a By jumping, dashing, and flapping her arms, the game’s heroine bounces upward to keep up with her cat. She moves upward by using flying animals and potential enemies as spring boards, bouncing upward or left and right to get where she needs to be. It’s an adorable concept, and kind of unique as an upward scrolling platformer.
Players who don’t want to wait for a physical version of this one can get it right now on the game’s website and play it using a Game Boy emulator, but fans who want that classic feeling of holding a classic Game Boy and playing a game on the olive screen will need to work a little harder. The first batch of physical copies of the game was limited to 75 orders, and it has already closed, but the developers promise that a second batch will be produced for anyone wanting to try again. The first wave cost $40 and came with a branded box as well as a 12-page full color manual. With original music and plenty of play time, the ROM version of the game is a total steal at exactly zero dollars. It’s unclear what the future holds for Tobu Tobu Girl, but for now it’s at least a nice free game to pick up for the holidays.