Last month, the Angry Beavers were revealed for Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2. At the time, fans were given a quick glimpse at how Norbert and Daggett will play in the game, but now GameMill Entertainment has pulled back the curtain with a full spotlight trailer. From the trailer, we get a better glimpse at how the two characters will work in tandem. Similar to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate‘s Pyra and Mythra, the Angry Beavers feature a “tag out” ability that lets players freely swap between them. Norbert and Daggett both feature unique moves and different play styles, making the duo tougher to master, but also tougher for opponents to plan against.
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The spotlight trailer for the Angry Beavers can be found below.
Angry Beavers Play Style
As seen in the trailer, Daggett’s moveset is better at attacking up close and personal, while Norbert is better at ranged attacks. Most of the time, one Beaver or the other will appear on-screen; however, the opposite character will make an appearance during neutral and side specials. For example, Daggett’s side special calls in Norbert to use Mashed Potatoes Blast. Meanwhile, Norbert’s side special calls in Daggett to use Chainsaw Chomp. Daggett’s neutral special similarly sees Norbert jump in to fire a beam that will go across the screen. Norbert’s neutral special sees Daggett firing log missiles into the air.These side and neutral specials are particularly helpful, as they compensate for each character’s weak points.
When both Beavers appear on-screen together while using side or neutral specials, players can choose to swap out in the middle of an attack and pull off combos. However, that also opens up that Beaver to attacks, and if they get hit by an opponent, they won’t be able to swap out immediately. In the video, we can see that Norbert’s neutral special can easily leave Daggett open to attacks if players aren’t careful, and will make it more difficult for players to swap between them.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 Release Date

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 will release November 3rd on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. With that date less than a month away, we should have more details on the game in the near future. GameMill has offered quite a bit of information on the playable cast over the last few months, while also showcasing some of the stages that will appear. The biggest question surrounding the game is whether or not players will see all of the previous game’s cast appear. It’s looking increasingly unlikely that favorites like Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Helga will return for the base game, but it is possible we could see some of them back through DLC.
Are you excited to see Norbert and Daggett in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2? What do you think of this new spotlight trailer? Share yourthoughtswith medirectly onTwitter at @Marcdachamp or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!