UPDATE: A spokesperson for Ader confirmed that an animated Rick and Morty, both voiced by Justin Roiland, will feature in the livestream with Ninja and Logic. The two will function as players, meaning there will be four players running around in Fallout 76. Exactly how that will look when live is still unclear, but it will definitely, absolutely be the characters themselves playing.
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The original story follows below:
Popular video game streamer Ninja, hip-hop artist Logic, and the animated duo of Rick and Morty are set to stream Fallout 76, the post-apocalyptic MMO set in the Fallout universe, next week. Exactly what that looks like is unclear.
Bethesda, the developer of Fallout 76, shared the news earlier today. The stream of the MMO will be featured on both Mixer and Twitch, with Microsoft promoting the former on its Mixer, on Thursday, November 8th starting at 9PM ET. There’s currently no information as to how long that stream will last.
Wubba lubba dub dub! Watch @adultswim‘s @rickandmorty play #Fallout76 on @Xbox One with @Ninja and @Logic301! Tune in on @Twitch and @WatchMixer.
โ Fallout (@Fallout) November 2, 2018
Unless you have ants in your eyes. Then maybe just listen.
//t.co/Gflwsk08Yp pic.twitter.com/K16VpECqQT
The reason why what that stream actually looks like being unclear is that the press release and spokespeople are promoting it as if the animated characters of Rick and Morty from Rick and Morty will be running around playing Fallout 76. Does that mean they’ll be animated into the game? Will it simply be an animation on the stream itself, with Rick and Morty being portrayed separately but actually voiced by their usual actor, Justin Roiland? (Roiland plays both characters.) Will Roiland simply be playing with Logic and Ninja? The mind boggles.
Specifically, when asked whether the animated Rick and Morty would be running around or if Roiland would simply be playing the game, a PR spokesperson for Ader, the esports agency that put the event together, stated the following: “The characters will be playing against Ninja and Logic in the livestream.” Ader did not immediately respond to followup questions.
That isn’t to say there will definitely not be something interesting going on here, as some of the quotes attached to the announcement indicate that there will definitely be something new to check out.
“We’re thrilled to be a part of this unprecedented Fallout 76 streaming event with my absolute favorite TV show characters, Rick and Morty, the world’s biggest streamer in Ninja, and of course Logic, the chart-topping rapper from our very own hometown,” Pete Hines of Bethesda said as part of the event’s press release. “Ader has outdone themselves. We promise you’ve never seen anything like this before.”
Fallout 76 is scheduled to release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on November 14th.