Back in April is was announced a new Senran Kagura game was coming to the Nintendo Switch, which made some people a very excited, and others a bit worried. What was developer Marvelous planning to do with those Joy-Cons? Well, the new game, entitled Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura was fully unveiled at a Tokyo press conference yesterday, and, well, the game may be even better (or worse, depending on your point of view) than we were expecting.
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Unlike most Senran Kagura games, which are at least nominally action games, Shinobi Refle is more of a Japanese girlfriend simulator. Basically, schoolgirl Asuka is tense, and it’s up to you to calm her down using massage and reflexology, which in practice means vigorously rubbing her thighs with the Joy-Cons. While rubbing away you can dress your virtual lady friend up in different outfits, including “club junior,” “little sister,” “idol,” and “tutor.” I’m starting to feel dirty just writing this stuff.
Want to check out some gameplay? I bet you do. Make sure nobody’s looking over your shoulder, and check it out, below.
Warning: The following video doesn’t contain any nudity, but you probably still shouldn’t watch it at work.
For those unfamiliar, the Senran Kagura games star a variety of busty ninjas with a penchant for buying very cheap, easily tearable clothes. The series started on the 3DS, where players used the touchscreen and stylus to, uh, interact with the game, and have since spun off in different directions, with large breasts continuing to be a core theme. At their press conference series publisher Marvelous announced several new games in the series in addition to Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura, including a mobile game, a pinball game for the Switch, a remake of the original game for PS4, and the seventh game in the series, also for the PS4. Why, it seems as if chesty ninjas are popular after all! Who would have guessed?
Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura hits Nintendo Switch in 2017 in Japan, and comes to North America, uh, never? I’m going to go with never.
[via Gematsu]