
Pokemon Go Reveals How to Get Regidrago, and Players are Not Happy


When Niantic first announced Pokemon Go‘s Season of Heroes, players were treated to teasers centered on the Legendary Titans Regidrago and Regieleki. Today, the developer officially revealed details about how players will be able to get the former Pokemon in the game. Starting on March 11th, Regidrago will be appearing in Elite Raids at 11 a.m., 2 p.m., and 5 p.m. local time. Unfortunately, no details have been revealed about how players will be able to get Regieleki just yet, but the Electric-type shouldn’t be too far behind!

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A trailer for Regidrago’s debut in Pokemon Go can be found in the Tweet embedded below.

While some players are excited for the opportunity to obtain Regidrago, Niantic’s announcement was also met with some frustration. Elite Raids can only be played in person, which means players will have to know a group of people in their local community that can all get together at one of the specified times to meet at a gym’s location, and they won’t be able to bring in other players remotely. That’s simply not feasible for a lot of people, particularly those in rural areas, or those that don’t know a lot of local players. Of course, it’s also a lot more difficult during the colder months, as well!

Remote Raids have been one of the best additions to Pokemon Go, but Niantic really wants people building local communities and playing the game in person. That’s how Pokemon Go was when it debuted back in the summer of 2016, but things have changed significantly since then. Niantic’s devotion to the early days has frustrated players, especially as the company has rolled back several of the changes it made in 2020, when coronavirus cases first began to spread throughout the United States. There’s clearly a big difference between how players want to enjoy the game, and how Niantic wants it to be played, and that’s still causing a lot of headaches!

Are you planning to challenge Regidrago in an Elite Raid this weekend? Are you frustrated that remote players won’t be able to challenge the Pokemon? Letusknowinthecommentsorshare your thoughts directly onTwitterandonHive atย @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!