PlayStation 4 Offering Gorgeous Free Theme to Celebrate International Women's Day

Today is a day to celebrate the glorious women in your life, in the world, and doing amazing [...]

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(Photo: Sony)

Today is a day to celebrate the glorious women in your life, in the world, and doing amazing things. It's International Women's Day and Sony is not wanting to be left out of the festivities. To ring in their own appreciative contributions, they are offering a unique, and free, PlayStation 4 theme to celebrate the glorious female leads in many of their greatest games. With Horizon Zero Dawn continuing to this day to win awards, it's no surprise to see our girl Aloy up there! Check out the theme for yourself above!

The design above features the infamous Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross from the Uncharted franchise, with Kara from the upcoming Detroit: Become Human Release. Aloy, as previously mentioned, from Horizon Zero Dawn is there as well alongside Ellie from The Last of Us and the adorable creature from the game Dreams.

For those interested in the upcoming game Dreams, the art style for the latest theme may be familiar. The art seen above was created by Media Molecule's artist Maja-Lisa Kehlet who is currently working on the latest game.

Interested in this free theme? You can download it right now from the PlayStation Store at no cost!

Author's Take: As a woman that has been gaming for almost 30 years, I dig this a lot! Though there have been amazing women in video games (since we're a gaming site, that's going to be this focus) for decades, the influx of relatable females in this media has reached an all time high in recent years.

I still remember the feeling I got when I picked up Beyond Good & Evil on the PlayStation 2 and played as Jade for the very first time. She had the same hair color I had and a very similar style and I remember thinking "that's me! I could be her!" and that to me was a really special moment. For someone that has always played games, to be able to see myself in a character was a very cool and immersive experience.

I love that PlayStation did this and I love that they had a gaming professional take point on the art work, what a fantastic way to celebrate!