Dark Souls is known for its intense, unforgiving combat that forces players to adapt their playstyle while exercising immense levels of patience. Everything in this game is out to kill you, and most things, especially the massive bosses, can do so with ease.
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With how memorable the boss fights are, it’s no wonder that players seek out the climactic fights during numerous playthroughs, the only thing standing between the fights being remarkable landscapes and tedious mobs. It’s no wonder then that a boss rush mod has been created to allow players to get straight to the action in either the normal progression or through a reverse line-up.
The boss rush mod is currently in a very early stage of development and only lacks the Bed of Chaos at this time, a boss that many would probably be just fine without. Through the post that the mod was first presented in, you can find detailed instructions on how to install the PC mod and start your own boss rush. For those who have been out of Dark Souls loop for some time and are thinking of getting back into it to try out the mod, here are some of the best bosses that you can look forward to in Dark Souls.
Sif, the Great Grey Wolf

One of the most haunting boss fights thatย Dark Soulsย players will come across, the battle with Sif, the Great Grey Wolf is a memorable one because of the difficult situation that it puts the Chosen Undead player in. Most bosses in the game are corrupt or bent on killing the player for their own purposes, but Sifย does the best job of making players feel absolutely awful when it comes to killing the wolf.
Both a boss and an ally at times, Sifย was formerly a companion of Artoriasย and stuck around to protect the wolf’s master’s grave using Artorias’ sword against the player. As the fight progresses and Sifย nears death, the wolf begins to limp around, occasionally failing to swing the weapon and falling over completely. It’s a truly pitiful experience to watch, and it’ll make you rethink who’s really the good guy inย Dark Souls.
Iron Golem

The Iron Golemย boss fight inย Dark Souls may lose some of its impact if it’s encountered via a boss rush since this is a situation where it’s quite true that it’s about the journey, not the destination. Fighting the Iron Golemย means traversing the treacherous Sen’s Fortress, and by the time you get through the frustrating funhouse, you’re more than ready to take out some pent-up aggression on the Iron Golem.
A massive boss fight taking place in a very small area, the arena gets even more crowded when the true star of the show, Iron Tarkus, teams up with the player to take down the iron baddie. The odds aren’t usually in your favor inย Dark Souls, so when a badass like Iron Tarkusย shows up, it’s a welcome change of pace to be able to bust down some huge foes.
Knight Artorias

Easily one of the most rewarding boss fights in the game, Knight Artoriasย gives players the full package that was previewed by his companion, Sif.
This boss fight is one of the most balanced encounters in the game that’s available through DLC, but that doesn’t mean that players should confuse it for being easy. There are very clear windows of opportunity when fighting Artorias, but his somersaults, lunges, and dark magic attacks are nothing to take lightly.
You’ll see quite a few similarities between Sif’sย limited sword experience being crossed over to Artorias’ fighting style, a style that you’ll probably be seeing quite a bit as you get killed over and over.
Ornstein and Smough

The bosses ofย Dark Soulsย are plenty challenging and often memorable, but few come close to the lasting impression that’s left with players after taking on Ornsteinย and Smough.
This duo is certainly one of the most talked about bosses in all of theย Dark Soulsย games, and for good reason. Earning a plethora of nicknames from players who take on the Hammer and the Spear, Pikachuย and Snorlax, these two are one of the few bosses that allow players to shape the boss fight in their own way to decide how they want to proceed. Killing one will cause the other to enhance their powers by absorbing the remnants of the deceased, and even with the help of Solaire and a few friends, this boss fight is still one for gaming history.
The Full List

Again, these are just a few of the most memorableย Dark Soulsย bosses, but the game has plenty more to offer. Check out the full list of bosses that are included in the game below, and make sure to check out the mod itself to get in on the action:
- Gwyn
- Dark Sun Gwyndolin
- Crossbreed Priscilla
- Four Kings
- Seath
- Black Dragon Kalameet
- Centipede Demon
- Demon Firesage
- Ceaseless Discharge
- Manus
- Knight Artorias
- Sanctuary Guardian
- Gravelord Nito
- Pinwheel
- Ornstein And Smough
- Iron Golem
- Stray Demon
- Chaos Witch Quelaag
- Sif
- Moonlight Butterfly
- Gaping Dragon
- Capra Demon
- Bell Gargoyles
- Taurus Demon
- Asylum Demon