Rumor: 'Resident Evil 3' Remake Release Date Leaked, Not Being Developed by Capcom

The rumor mill is hard at work once more, especially when it comes to the Resident Evil franchise. [...]

The rumor mill is hard at work once more, especially when it comes to the Resident Evil franchise. Resident Evil 8 seems to have received a bit of attention lately , and now it looks like the unannounced remake of Resident Evil 3 is getting a bit of the same treatment. After the success of the amazing Resident Evil 2 remake, it would almost be foolish not to move forward with a remake of Nemesis. That said, if a recent leak is to be believed, it looks like that remake is happening, but it might be in development by a studio that is not Capcom.

According to AestheticGamer, a fairly well-known Resident Evil leaker, the Resident Evil 3 remake could be arriving as soon as January 2020. However, they note that it might not end up being what fans are probably expecting. "It's not being made by the same team that made REmake 2, in fact it's not even being internally developed by Capcom Division 1 at all," they said.

Just before they reveal who is in charge of the Resident Evil 3 remake, they decide to save it "for another day." They do mention, however, that the studio in charge "is very interesting," which is rather intriguing itself. Do they not actually know who is developing the upcoming remake?

Of course, this is all a rumor at this point and should be treated as such. We anticipate the need for the same amount of salt as the Resident Evil 8 rumors, which you can read all about right here.

It will surely be interesting to see how all of this plays out, especially if Capcom does intend on making the Resident Evil franchise an annual thing. Until then, we'll just keep on enjoying all of the Resident Evil 2 remake goodness, which you can read all about in our previous coverage.

What do you think about all of this? Do you believe Capcom is actually going to hand off the Resident Evil 3 remake to another studio? If so, why do you think they would do that? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!


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