There Still Aren't Any Plans For Rocket League 2

It has been three year since a little game called Rocket League released and took the industry by [...]

rocket league
(Photo: Psyonix)

It has been three year since a little game called Rocket League released and took the industry by storm. And while it remains one of the most popular games in the world, there's no rush to cash-in on a sequel according to Pysonix.

To date, Rocket League boasts over 46 million players, 6.5 million monthly players, and over one million daily players. And despite games like Fortnite and PUBG coming in and sucking up all the oxygen in the multiplayer space, Rocket League is still riding its wave, which shows no sign of crashing anytime soon, and which is perhaps why the game's director Scott Rudi doesn't even have a sequel on his mind.

According to Rudi, developer Psyonix is treating Rocket League like a platform, and is opting to pour resources into new content to grow said platform rather than jumping to a sequel. Where many games chased annualization in the past, more and more are starting to take the platform route, fueled by the games-as-a-service business model, which Rocket League has adopted since its unexpected success.

"That's preferable to do; games-as-a-service," Rudi said in an interview with GameSpot. "The most valuable thing in our game is our fans. A lot of the stuff we do is focused on keeping them with us. Keeping them interested and all hyped up about our game. We want to provide a really good experience [for players] to have fun with for years to come."

Rudi continued:

"We want to keep this going. I don't know what I'd do with Rocket League 2. I'd rather do more to expand the existing Rocket League. It's doing great, there is a lot ahead of it. So yeah, we have no plans for Rocket League 2."

If Rudi's feelings on a Rocket League sequel sound familiar, it's probably because they echo want Psyonix executive Jeremy Dunham said back in 2017. Speaking with Kinda Funny Games at the time, Dunham said the following:

"Why would we want to take this huge community that we've already built, that's still growing, and say, 'What you're playing now is going to be irrelevant in 12 months, but we want you to stop what you're doing, giving us money all over again, and move over to this other game."

Dunham noted that developing games this way was coming to an end, and it seems Psyonix's feeling on the matter has not changed a year later, despite the gaming losing some of its player base in this post-Fortnite world.

In other words, Rocket League 2 isn't coming anytime soon. That said, content for the first game isn't going anywhere, with an Anniversary Event recently announced revealing to players what to expect next.