Sonic Maker Will Let You Build the Blast Processing Levels of Your Dreams

Super Mario Maker has certainly inspired a number of devs to try their hands with other [...]

Super Mario Maker has certainly inspired a number of devs to try their hands with other franchises, even if they aren't of the "official" variety. For instance, a while back, someone made a Mega Man Maker tool that let you build some great 8-bit levels with the Blue Bomber.

Now, it's Sonic's turn. A team has put together a new project called Sonic Maker, one that was built using the GameMaker Studio 2, and looks to be a pretty good way to build the 16-bit levels you've always wanted to make in a Sonic game – even if you've never really had the chance.

The game utilizes tools that make it feel like you're actually putting together a Sonic the Hedgehog game, based on what you'll see in the video above. In fact, the fan behind the project went all out to make sure that the physics and collision detection were in sync with previous games in the 16-bit era, so it also feels like a Sonic game.

Now, the project isn't out yet – it's still a ways in development – but it isn't likely that Sega will rebuff it in any way with legal claims. After all, the company is fond of what fans are doing with Sonic, and even went as far as to hire one of the fans, Christian Whitehead, to work on both Sonic CD and Sonic Mania. So who knows, we could be looking at a future project-in-the-making here.

But the tech example video above really paints a pretty picture of what you can do in a Sonic game with a few simple taps, whether it's creating a steep incline for the hero to run down, or creating other aspects of the stage so that everything comes together beautifully. We're curious to see what kind of built levels come from this – and, more importantly, if Sega gives it some kind of green light as an official project in the future.

Fingers crossed that it's paying attention, because Sonic Maker definitely looks like a great experience for the speedy little guy.

In the meantime, you can also play official Sonic games like Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC now.