Sega Reveals Where Sonic the Hedgehog Lives

Over the last 30 years, Sonic the Hedgehog has called Green Hill his home, but where exactly does the blue blur live? It's an intriguing question, and one that was posed in a recent episode of Sega's TailsTube video series. In the video, Tails and Amy are asked just that, and the latter revealed that she doesn't think Sonic actually has a home! Instead, Sonic prefers to race around the world, camping out wherever is convenient when he needs a break. Tails revealed that Sonic frequently crashes at his labs, which he keeps stocked with chili and hot dogs just in case!

The latest episode of TailsTube can be found in the video embedded below.

While this would seem to be the official canon for the video games, it's not quite the case for Paramount's Sonic movies. In the first movie, Sonic lives in a hole in the ground, which is stocked with Flash comics. However, by the end of the film, he has his very own room in the Wachowski home. Since Tom and Maddie don't currently exist outside of those movies, it makes a bit more sense that Sonic might not have his own base of operations in the games. The idea of Sonic constantly rambling around the world fits pretty well with his character, but it seems unlikely he'd be far from his friends for too long!

The TailsTube series began last year, and have served as a way for Sega to reveal new details about Sonic and his universe. The inaugural episode debuted in March 2022, and helped to settle a major debate within the fan community. Many had wondered if the games took place in two different universes: one inhabited by Sonic and friends, and another where humans live. However, Tails debunked that theory, revealing that Sonic and his friends live on smaller islands, while the humans live elsewhere in the world. It's unclear when the next TailsTube video will release, but hopefully it will offer even more details that the games haven't covered!

What do you think of this answer from Tails and Amy? Are you surprised Sonic doesn't have a place to call his own? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!