A Spinal Tap-Style Mockumentary For Nintendo 64's Goldeneye Is Coming, And It’s Looking Hilarious

The idea of a “mockumentary” is always a fun one, and the format has seen its fair share of [...]

The idea of a "mockumentary" is always a fun one, and the format has seen its fair share of examples, like What We Do In the Shadows and, of course, the legendary This Is Spinal Tap. But we haven't seen any examples when it comes to video games. But that, friends, is about to change.

According to NintendoLife, a British film company has presented a project that focuses on various players of the Nintendo 64 classic Goldeneye 007. The movie, titled Going For Goldeneye, is best described as "a love letter to the heyday of the N64 and the rivalries of couch multiplayer." But instead of going for the "serious" gaming approach, it's looking at these players from a personal light, sharing everything from weird breast feeding stories to unique costume designs revolving around the actual Goldeneye 007 cartridge (which, we can tell you, the bartender isn't too thrilled with).

The movie is being put together by Woodhouse Pictures, and it revolves around the Goldeneye 007 World Championships, and follows a number of "deluded, cringe-inducing Goldeneye players who wonder why the world no longer cares about their beloved game." (Apparently they didn't ask us about it, because we try to find sessions every chance that we get.)

The trailer is above, and though it's a bit short, it does give you an idea of the vibe that the team is going for – as well as the laughs. And it looks to be action packed, between sessions of the game, some sort of raid on an underdressed player, competitive face-offs and so much more. And, of course, we have to ask about that weird cartridge costume – at least put on a shirt, dude.

The film doesn't have any sort of theatrical release at this point, but Wild Eye Releasing is set to release it on video on demand, Blu-Ray and DVD sometime this year, so you'll at the very least be able to rent it that way. We'll let you know when the company announces a release date.

In the meantime, enjoy the trailer above, and ask yourself – hey, why don't we have a new version of Goldeneye nowadays? We sure could use one.