
Star Wars Age of Rebellion Sourcebook Is Now Ready For Action

, Skakoans are a notably rare sight in the galaxy. Like Kaminoans, the natives of Skako can […]

Earlier today, we shared a sneak peek at the new specialization decks for Star Wars Age of Rebellion and now we’ve got the Sourcebook readily available to help you get started! Every rebel scum needs to start somewhere, and there’s no shame in learning even more about what this role-playing experience has to offer.

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The source book is 96 pages of pure glory, even including three new playable species for players to choose from. New species also means new specializations and it is the perfect tool when looking at creating the perfect rebellion.

According to Fantasy Flight Games, here’s more about the three new species now available:

  • The renowned musicianship of the Bith is not unearned, but is also not the entirety of what they contribute to the galaxy. Heightened auditory perception is both useful and dangerous in a lifestyle of explosive ordnance and building-sized engines, but the Bith who side with the Rebellion endure such hazards to rid the galaxy of the Empire. Bith excel as Saboteurs and Sappers, where their natural cunning gives them an instinctual edge in some of the more clandestine opportunities for which those specializations are rewarded.
  • Kaminoans occupy a complicated place in the perception of the Rebellion. Scientifically, their mastery of medical science is hardly rivaled in the galaxy, while their ambitious pursuit of biomedical knowledge is quite controversial, and is viewed unsettling at best and blasphemous at worst. This curious detachment entertained by Kaminoans led to their being instrumental in developing the militarized cloning programs that directly enabled the Empire to subsume the Republic at first. An improved Intellect score makes Kaminoans suited for any Engineer role, and a free rank in the Medicine skill provides flexibility in aiding their comrades even in the absence of a dedicated medic.
  • Skakoans strike an unusual silhouette as their specialized full-body suits which provide the methane and atmospheric pressure their bodies need make them look like an odd amalgamation of droid and organic being. As their homeworld is environmentally inhospitable to nearly every other sentient species, and the reverse being true (hence the bulky suits), Skakoans are a notably rare sight in the galaxy. Like Kaminoans, the natives of Skako can occasionally have difficult relations with other communities due to the contributions of some of their number to the war between the Republic and Separatists.

They also gave interested players a little insight into exactly what Engineers bring to the table with Fully Operational:

“In a galaxy full of technological marvels, Engineers can often be the most overlooked members of any organization, even though many would say they are among the most important. Fully Operational brings three new specializations for fresh characters to make a place in their team or for existing ones to branch out into new focuses and utility.

The Droid Specialist delivers what it promises, a talent tree built around making droids shine. Whether it’s a swarm of repair drones in a hangar bay, a customized companion astromech, or even the Engineer character itself, Droid Specialists build, maintain, and optimize droids using whatever parts and tools can be bought or scrounged. Talents such as Desperate Repairs and Reroute processors not only keep droids in the fight, but can allow them to achieve surprising potential.

Fully Operational also includes a comprehensive starship and vehicle construction system, and the Shipwright specialization is a perfect fit for the character who was born to be at the heart of these starships. Creative Design and Eye For Detail combine to make the Shipwright a master of construction, while Push the Specs gives their ship an active advantage while engaging in field operations.”

New abilities are also included, as well as an entirely new outlook! To learn everything there is to know about what’s new, check out the official reveal right here.