Star Wars: New Obi-Wan and Anakin Book Makes Major Knights of the Old Republic Connections

Star Wars: Brotherhood, a new book about Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi prior to Revenge of the Sith, has a number of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Easter eggs. Of course, when Disney took ownership of the Star Wars IP, it wiped out a huge chunk of the Star Wars canon. One of the casualties of this move were the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games, a series that is very beloved. The RPG series is still widely regarded as some of the best Star Wars stories ever told outside of the mainline films, but it holds a bit less weight now.

Nonetheless, Star Wars: Brotherhood writer Mike Chen managed to include a handful of references to the game in his book. Chen took to Twitter and shared a number of insights into the finer details and Easter eggs in the book, confirming some nods to the games despite the fact that they're not canon anymore. The first one is that Anakin commandeers a freighter ship that is the same class as the Ebon Hawk, the ship featured in Knights of the Old Republic. Secondly, there's a bouncer droid at a racetrack that is a reconfigured HK droid, similar to the HK-47 assassin droid in the game. Finally, the book also notes that Anakin and Obi-Wan went on a mission in Taris, the city featured in the opening section of Knights of the Old Republic. For fans of the series, it's nice to know that BioWare's contributions haven't been forgotten about within the larger Star Wars universe.

It's possible some of these things will be restored in the canon as a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake is in the works. There's no official word as to when the game will release, but it's rumored that it will launch sometime in 2023. It's unclear how much of the game will be changed and what will remain the same in this remake, but it seems like Aspyr Media is aiming to create something that retains the spirit of the RPG.

What do you think of these nods to Knights of the Old Republic? Let me know in the comments below or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.