First Details on New Star Wars Game Leaked

The first details on a brand new and upcoming Star Wars game have leaked. Earlier this month, during The Game Awards, Star Wars Eclipse was announced and revealed with a CGI trailer. Of course, the CGI trailer didn't reveal much about the game, but it did show off the High Republic era the game takes place in. But that's about all we know, officially, about the game, other than that it's going to let players shape the story with choices, which should surprise no one familiar with the developer behind the game. Quantic Dream has been tasked with the game's development, and the Canadian/French consistently put player choice at the center of its previous games, like Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain, and Beyond Two Souls.

Officially, this is about all we know about the game. That said, we have some new unofficial details on the game, which come courtesy of AccNGT, a leaker who notably leaked images of the game before it was revealed.

According to AccNGT, Star Wars Eclipse is an open-world action-adventure game with interactive storytelling with some multiplayer elements. AccNGT adds the game is an original story and a very ambitious game that has apparently looked towards The Last of Us for inspiration. Further notes made include a note about the game having a non-linear story, much like Quantic Dream's previous games and several playable characters. 

Development-wise, the leaker claims the game's development began, in some form, 18 months ago and is using the studio's in-house engine, which is known for its visual fidelity more than gameplay. 

This is all the report shares. As always, what is shared should be taken with a grain of salt. Meanwhile, if any type of comment or response is issued from anyone involved in the game's development pertaining to this report, we will be sure to update the story accoridngly.

Star Wars Eclipse is in the early stages of development. Right now, there's no word of a release date or even a release window. Meanwhile, there's also no word of platforms, though the reasonable and safe assumption is that this will be a PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. Alas, we have next to no official details on the game, but the following game description has been provided:

"Star Wars Eclipse is the first video game to be set in an uncharted region of the Outer Rim during The High Republic era, known as the golden age of the Jedi. The game will build upon Quantic Dream's expertise in delivering deeply branching narratives and will go beyond their already established acclaim. Player's choices will be at the heart of the experience, as every decision can have a dramatic impact on the course of the story."