Fans of the classic RPG Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic are beginning to fear that the upcoming remake for PlayStation 5 has potentially been canceled. All the way back in 2021, PlayStation announced that it was collaborating with Aspyr Media to create a new iteration of BioWare’s beloved Knights of the Old Republic, which was first released back in 2003. Since that time, no new information on the project has come about, although multiple reports have emerged detailing development troublesย behind the scenes and a potential change in studios. Now, some fans are beginning to fear the worst as a recent move by PlayStation has raised some major red flags.
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Noticed by some on Reddit, it seems that PlayStation recently scrubbed the original announcement trailer forย Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake from its official YouTube channel. When looking at the PlayStation Blogย post where KOTOR Remake was first shown off, the embedded trailer that linked to the teaser that debuted in 2021 has now been made private. Although other channels on YouTube still have the trailer live for themselves, it’s very bizarre to see that PlayStation has made this video private, especially since it’s funding and publishing the project.ย
So what does this move from PlayStation suggest? Well, it’s hard to say. As mentioned, some fans of KOTOR believe that this could indicate that the game has quietly been canceled behind the scenes. This is perhaps a bit of a far-fetched conclusion to come to, especially given that Aspyr, PlayStation, and Lucasfilm Games have yet to confirm anything of the sort just yet. There’s also a chance that PlayStation could have simply made this KOTOR video private accidentally, in which case this whole situation doesn’t mean anything. Regardless of what the truth might be, though, fans shouldn’t jump to any conclusions just yet until Aspyr or PlayStation have something concrete to say about KOTOR Remake.ย
When Is KOTOR Remake Releasing?

Whenย Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake was first announced, Aspyr and PlayStation didn’t commit to a launch window of any sort. In fact, Aspyr stressed that the game was “still early in development” which suggested that fans likely wouldn’t hear or see anything about it for quite some time. That being said, two years have now passed since this new iteration of KOTOR was shown off and PlayStation hasn’t updated fans about its status. This lingering silence combined with the aforementioned worrisome reports have made many increasingly nervous about whether or not this project will ever even see the light of day. Until further notice, though,ย Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake is still planned to come to both PS5 and PC at an undetermined time in the future.ย
Do you think that this recent move from PlayStation with the trailer forย Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake is a cause for concern? Or are many fans simply getting themselves worked up due to this ongoing silence in association with the game? Let me know what you think either down in the comments or reach out to me on social media at @MooreMan12.ย