On September 1st, Super Bomberman R Online will release on Google Stadia. Super Bomberman R was a launch title on Nintendo Switch and was eventually ported to other platforms, but the Google Stadia version will feature a major difference: a 64-player battle royale mode coming first to the platform. Bomberman’s multiplayer modes have always made for chaotic experiences, and 64 players participating simultaneously will only makes things more intense! The game will also be one of the earliest Stadia titles to take advantage of the system’s Crowd Play feature, which will allow players to join games with YouTube streamers. It certainly sounds like the kind of game that could be a big hit for the platform!
Videos by ComicBook.com
Blast your way to victory against up to 64 players in Super Bomberman R Online. Coming First to Stadia on September 1 and free for #StadiaPro subscribers. pic.twitter.com/zTO5Fhi7gp
โ Stadia (@GoogleStadia) August 25, 2020
Super Bomberman R Online will be offered as a free game for Stadia Pro subscribers, and will cost $9.99 for everyone else. The game is one of six titles that will be available for free in the month of September, alongside Hitman, Hello Neighbor, Gunsport, Metro Last Light Redux, and Embr. The games will take the place of three other Stadia Pro offerings; on August 31st, Kona, GRID, and Get Packed will no longer be available for free, but they will be available to purchase at the Stadia Store.
It’s surprising to see Konami adding such a significant update to Super Bomberman R. After all, the publisher has shifted focus away from gaming over the last few years. As a result, fans of franchises like Castlevania, Silent Hill, and Metal Gear Solid have been left wanting something more than ports or compilations. Perhaps Super Bomberman R Online will be followed by more from the publisher!
At this time, it is not known how long Stadia’s timed exclusivity will last for Super Bomberman R Online. Super Bomberman R is currently available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Whether or not the new battle royale mode will eventually be offered as DLC for those platforms, or as a separate game altogether, remains to be seen.
Are you looking forward to Super Bomberman R Online? Are you a fan of the series? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!