'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate' Gets Actual Patch Notes for Latest Update

Piranha Plant took the spotlight in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s latest patch as the first DLC [...]

Piranha Plant took the spotlight in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's latest patch as the first DLC fighter to be released, but one of the best parts of the update is that it actually came with decent patch notes this time.

Super Smash Bros. players have dealt with skimpy patch notes for some time now with updates using vague wording. The first update for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, for example, said there were "game balance adjustments" made along with "various gameplay fixes." These types of updates and lackluster patch notes leave it up to players to test out the characters (often called "labbing") after every update to see what's changed, something that's no small feat considering there are more than 70 characters in the game.

The game's second update offered more hope for the patch notes with specific fighters being named as the recipients of the changes, but it still didn't specify what, exactly, had changed. Nintendo's latest patch notes for the Version 2.0.0 are a dramatic shift from those update though with a link in the game's support site leading to an separate page for all the fighter-specific changes.

These latest patch notes pertaining to the fighters aren't a small set of changes either. Nearly 60 fighters listed in the chart with every individual change getting its own cell to detail how the fighters have been buffed or nerfed. Some of the characters received a lot of attention in the update such as the Mii Brawler who had 11 different changes with all of them making the character stronger after the update. Rosalina & Luma weren't far behind with that two-part fighter seeing nine different changes in the update.

Even with that update giving Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players their first set of real patch notes, the focus will still be on Piranha Plant for some time until people get used to seeing the potted fighter online. Players had some strong reactions to the Piranha Plant fighter's emergence and were even more pleased to see what Kirby looks like he borrows the fighter's power. There have been some reports though of Piranha Plant corrupting save files when used in a certain game mode, but anyone taking the fighter into online matches appears to be safe to do so.

Nintendo's full fighter notes for the latest Super Smash Bros. Ultimate notes can be seen here.