'Team Fortress 2' YouTuber Admits To Faking His Own Death In New Apology Video

In one of the weirder stories to hit gaming this weekend, a YouTuber that shared his mysterious [...]

In one of the weirder stories to hit gaming this weekend, a YouTuber that shared his mysterious "terminal illness" with the world back in 2015 randomly vanished from the Team Fortress 2 community. With all of his content deleted and every trace of him removed, it was heavily implied that the player had passed. Now he's back with a new "apology" video stating that he was never sick and admitting to faking his own death.

YouTuber 'Sketchek' took to his channel once more to say that he faked his own death because "gaming was ruining" his life. He mentioned that the pressure to continue making content became too much and he came up with the idea to spread word of his "illness" as a "sick joke" adding, "What can I say, I just love the feeling of taking someone for a ride."

Since the video is titled "Apology," a "I'm sorry" had to eventually make an appearance. The YouTuber called his joke tasteless and took a moment to address those that actually do have these fatal diseases that he took lightly. "I don't expect forgiveness: what I did was pretty indefensible," he added. "But I hope you can still enjoy my content regardless."

The news of his alleged death back in 2015 was so huge, that Valve even added an in-game item in his honor called "Sketchek's Bequest." Then would have been a good time for him to even privately talk to the company about his death not being legitimate, but instead he chose to remain quite and take the "post-mortem" fam no matter how limited it truly was.

It seems that many are willing to look past his stunt, but the video is still fairly new so it will be interesting to see where this story goes from here. Until then, you can see his video at the top of the article to hear of his miraculous resurrection.

Thanks, PCGaamesN.

What do you think about his apology? Too little, too late or should he be forgiven? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.