Texas Chain Saw Massacre Update Adds New Characters, Perk Changes, and More

Maria and Hands have arrived, and we've got the full patch notes.

A new update for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is currently rolling out across the game's various platforms. This is a pretty substantial one, as it will see the addition of two new playable characters: the Victim Maria, and the Killer Hands. As is always the case, these new characters will cost $9.99 each, though players can also get them in a bundle for $17.99. There's also a new Outfit Pack for Leland for $4.99. Beyond the paid content, players can also look forward to changes to some of the game's perks, as well as a change to Skill Trees. 

Full patch notes from the game's official website can be found below: 


Changed: Removed Random Nodes

  • Random Nodes from every character's Skill Tree have been removed

  • Players will have all characters respecced when the patch drops

  • Player's perk levels will remain the same

  • For more details on these changes, read in the Community Hub here

Fixed: 'Wait a Second' Perk

  • We fixed the issue where the perk 'Wait a Second' did not work as described due to the perk triggering at the start of Nancy's barbed wire animation

  • Now, 'Wait a Second' works as described:

    • Victims who mistakenly get tangled in barbed wire must wait 3/5/8 seconds before removing it. However, fellow Victims can help remove it right away.

Fixed: 'Back for Blood' Perk

  • We have fixed an issue with the perk 'Back for Blood' where health was not was not regained when attacking Grandpa

  • The perk will now function as described:

    • When sneak attacking Grandpa you decrease Family bond by an extra 10/20/30% and heal for 5/10/15% health

As a result of today's update, some perks are no longer usable by some characters. Virginia's Fast Hands perk is one example, which was swapped out for Saboteur. Danny's Extra Drip was also removed, to the frustration of some players. Extra Drip allows the user to gain extra HP over time after using a healing item. On Twitter, several users have pointed out that the changes will make Danny a bigger target for the game's Killers, and removing Extra Drip is going to make him a lot easier to kill. 

In response to those frustrations, Gun Media noted that they "are going to take in all of your feedback about our perk reworks." Basically, players should give these perk changes a chance, and if they're still unhappy with them, reach out to the developers on the game's social channels. Some of these changes might seem abrupt, and will likely force players to change their strategies, but it's possible they could also result in a more balanced game. 

Are you planning to buy any of the new content in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre? What do you think of the perk reworks? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp, on Bluesky at @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!