The Last of Us Factions Multiplayer Game Could Seemingly Be Free-to-Play

It looks like Naughty Dog's upcoming multiplayer game set within the world of The Last of Us could be free-to-play. For a prolonged number of years, Naughty Dog has made it known that it's working on an expansive new multiplayer title that is tied to Factions, which is the multiplayer game mode seen in the original The Last of Us. And while details related to this project have been kept under wraps by those at PlayStation, it looks like the game may not have a monetary barrier of entry. 

Spotted by Reddit, a new job post at Naughty Dog seems to have implied that the upcoming The Last of Us multiplayer game will be free-to-play. Although this wasn't spelled out explicitly, a recent position at Naughty Dog for the role of a Live Ops Producer specifically mentioned that candidates who have a background in working on free-to-play titles would be preferred. As such, this seems to suggest that Naughty Dog's The Last of Us multiplayer project could fit into this same mold. 

While a free-to-play model for this new The Last of Us title could make sense, Naughty Dog's own description of the game so far makes the idea seem nebulous. Previously, the studio has said that this mysterious game is the biggest that the developer has ever worked on. Assuming that this is true, to hear that PlayStation might let players download the game for free sounds greatly ambitious. Then again, free-to-play titles are still capable of bringing in massive amounts of money as we've seen with Fortnite, Apex Legends, League of Legends, and so many others. 

The only thing we know with certainty about this new The Last of Us game is that more details should begin to come about next year. Longtime Naughty Dog director Neil Druckmann teased earlier this year that the studio plans to unveil more info about the game at an undetermined time in 2023. As such, whenever those details do come to light, it's likely that we'll learn more about the nature 

Do you think that PlayStation will end up making this new The Last of Us multiplayer title free? And how do you think Naughty Dog will do when it comes to the live-service space? Share your own thoughts with me either down in the comments or message me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.