'Tomb Raider' Cosplayer Nails the Classic Lara Croft Look

With Shadow of the Tomb Raider out now for players to enjoy, and the official end of Lara Croft's [...]

With Shadow of the Tomb Raider out now for players to enjoy, and the official end of Lara Croft's origins arc, it's time for a Croft-y blast from the past with a more classic style. And now, it's not Polygon Lara either.

The cosplayer in question goes by the name 'CutiePieSensei' and she is no stranger to amazing work! From comics, to anime, to some of our favourite TV shows from the 90s, this cosplayer has some incredible talent!

For her Croft look, she went a lot less into detail as opposed to some of her other creations. This muted look actually works perfectly for Lara and she's got the pose down pat:

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More Lara love. Just cuz. . . . . . #tombraidercosplay #laracroft #laracroftcosplay #tombraider #closetcosplay #cosplay

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Tomb Raider just came out this weekend! So, here is a super quick closet Lara ☺️ Going old school, can you guess which game I referenced from? I need a gold belt buckle >_<. gonna="" try="" to="" keep="" this="" spoiler="" free="" but="" how="" d="" you="" like="" the="" movie="" did="" see="" it="" was="" very="" different="" than="" i="" thought="" be="" tbh="" going="" in="" expecting="" an="" exact="" replica="" of="" first="" square="" enix="" game="" lol="" also="" know="" is="" a="" closet="" lara="" realistically="" m="" glad="" new="" versions="" have="" dirt="" and="" actual="" pants="" cuz="" flawless="" mosquito="" bite="" legs="" skin="" jungle="" literally="" impossible="" sure="" check="" out="" cosplay="" comics="" am="" page="" model="" for="" them="" there="" are="" many="" other="" amazing="" cosplayers="" on="" hashtag="" dump:="" closetcosplay="" laracroft="" tombraider="" tombraidercosplay="" laracroftcosplay="" blackcosplay="" selfie="">

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As for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the latest adventure is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. We couldn't get enough of the latest journey - a much darker one than previous entries - for Croft's quest for the truth and her own humanity. You can check out our full review right here, as well as a small blurb below:

"Without giving any story spoilers away, Shadow of the Tomb Raider did a phenomenal job at keeping players engrossed in Lara's mission. Her experience mattered and her choices - at times - were haunting. With the familiar combat style of the previous two games and the expanded upon world-view of Croft herself, the third and final story is one that will appeal to the adventure seeking gamer. Fans of both the Tomb Raider series and Uncharted will find endless adventures to partake in, dangers to overcome, and philosophies to uncover."

Thoughts on the latest Lara Croft cosplay? What rendition of Croft is your favourite since her grand debut back on PlayStation 2? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below!