
Today’s Wordle Is a Heartbreaker


Today’s Wordle is another potential heartbreaker. Wordle players around the world are struggling with today’s puzzle, with more than a few players coming up short. The puzzle marks one of the hardest tests for Wordle players since the New York Times purchased the popular game last month. We’ll dig into what makes today’s Wordle puzzle so tricky later in the article, for those looking for some hints or clues. But if you haven’t done the puzzle yet, you may not want to scroll to the bottom of the article as we’ll eventually discuss the answer.

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For those who somehow have missed out on the Wordle craze so far, the rules of the game are simple: players have six tries to guess a five letter word. Players receive clues based on which letters their guess shares with the correct word. A letter shaded in yellow means that letter also appears in the correct word, but in a different letter location. A letter shaded in green means that letter appears in the same spot in the correct word.

On average, it takes Wordle players about 4 tries to correctly guess a daily puzzle, although a few puzzles can be significantly trickier. As we noted before, words that end with the same sequence of four letters can be problematic, especially if it takes players a few guesses to get that word sequence. That’s what happened earlier this month with “WATCH,” as there are several other 5-letter words that also end with “ATCH.”

So โ€“ what’s the solution today’s Wordle puzzle โ€“ aka Wordle 80? Well, the correct word is an exceedingly uncommon word containing one rare letter and two uncommon letters. Even the two vowels present in the word are located in strange positions, so you might have a heck of a time even getting your letters into a correct position to make a final run at the correct answer. On the plus side, there are no other words that share 4 letter placements with correct answer, while there’s only three other words that share the same beginning three letters and two other words that share the same three ending letters. If you can manage to get a few letters in the correct place, you should be able to figure out today’s Wordle.

Still stumped on today’s Wordle puzzle? The answer to Wordle 280 is…EPOXY.

Let us know if you got today’s Wordle puzzle in the comment section, and if you managed to match our score of getting it in five tries!