X AKA Twitter will soon have more tiers for its Premium subscription service. Over the last year, Elon Musk has completely overhauled the social media site once known as Twitter. He has completely erased all Twitter branding in favor of calling it X, getting rid of the bird imagery and even names for things like “tweets”. It hasn’t really stopped people from still calling it Twitter or saying “tweets’, but the official look and feel of the platform is rapidly changing. On top of that, there’s been a stronger focus on profitability for X/Twitter which has meant a harder focus on what was previously known as Twitter Blue. Now, users can pay for a verified checkmark, have special features such as longer/higher quality videos, and be boosted in the reply section of a post as well.
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X is adding even more features via new Premium tiers. The new Premium+ tier will be more expensive, but also give you more features. You’ll get full access to the tools in the creator suite, no ads, on your for you or following page, and boost you in the replies even more than other Verified or unverified users. There will also be a cheaper “basic” tier for $3 which will give you the essential Premium features. It seems like X is trying to give people more options and allow people to curate the experience they’re given. Whether or not it makes any impact and drives more sign-ups or gives a significant boost to revenue remains to be seen.
X AKA Twitter is doing a lot to try and find its identity at the moment. Things are constantly shifting and changing, for better or worse. Elon Musk’s grand plan aims to make X more than just a social media app. He wants it to have video/entertainment, banking, and more, all so you’ll never need another app ever again. Some are skeptical he can pull this off given the wide range of problems Twitter has had along with the large amount of debt the company is bolstered with due to Elon’s acquisition.