This week’s Deals With Gold on Xbox One was already stacked up pretty nicely yesterday evening, when games like Dragon Ball FighterZ and Dark Souls went on sale for a great price. But now even more have been added to the fray, including some unbeatable savings on backward compatible games for the system.
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This is an ideal opportunity to get your hands on some classics for dirt cheap, including Bully: Scholarship Edition, Alice: Madness Returns (a very underrated title for the system) and several Call of Duty titles, as well as a handful of others.
Let’s take a look at all the games that are on sale right now!
Xbox One: Jet Set Radio, Call of Duty and More

- Age of Booty- $1.24
- Alice: Madness Returns- $4.99
- Army of Two- $4.94
- Battlefield 3- $4.99
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2- $4.99
- Bionic Commando Rearmed 2- $5.99
- BioShock- $7.99
- BioShock 2- $7.99
- BioShock Infinite- $8.99
- Borderlands- $7.99
- Borderlands 2- $7.99
- Bully Scholarship Edition- $5.99
- Burnout Revenge- $6.99
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare- $14.99
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II- $16.49
- Call of Duty: Black Ops- $14.99
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2- $14.99
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3- $14.99
- Call of Duty: World At War- $9.99
- Capcom Arcade Cabinet- $6.24
- Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse- $7.49
- Catherine- $4.99
- Crazy Taxi- $2.49
- Dante’s Inferno- $4.94
- Dark Void- $3.74
- Dead Rising 2: Case West- $6.99
- Dead Rising 2: Case Zero- $3.49
- Dead Space- $3.74
- Dead Space 2- $4.99
- Dead Space 3- $4.99
- Deadfall Adventures- $3.99
- Destroy All Humans!- $2.99
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution- $1.49
- Dragon Age 2- $7.99
- Dragon Age: Origins- $3.74
- DuckTales Remastered- $3.74
- Dungeon Siege III- $3.74
- Dungeons & Dragons: Shadows Over Mystara- $4.49
- Faery: Legends of Avalon- $1.87
- Fight Night Champion- $9.99
- Final Fight: Double Impact- $2.49
- Flock!- $3.74
- Frontlines: Fuel of War- $2.24
- Full Spectrum Warrior- $8.99
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas- $9.74
- Grand Theft Auto IV- $6.99
- Jet Set Radio- $4.99
- Juju- $2.99
- Just Cause 2- $1.49
- Kane & Lynch 2- $3.74
- Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light- $3.74
- Mafia II- $7.49
Xbox One: Mass Effect, NBA Jam and More

- Mass Effect 2- $5.99
- Mass Effect 3- $5.99
- Medal of Honor Airborne- $6.59
- Mega Man 10- $3.99
- Mega Man 9- $3.99
- Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete Edition- $9.74
- Mirror’s Edge- $4.94
- MX Unleashed- $2.99
- MX Vs. ATV Reflex- $4.49
- NBA Jam: On Fire Edition- $1.99
- Prey- $3.99
- Quantum Conundrum- $2.49
- Red Dead Redemption- $9.89
- Red Faction Armageddon- $4.49
- Red Faction: Battlegrounds- $.99
- Rockstar Table Tennis- $5.99
- Sega Bass Fishing- $1.24
- Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage- $2.49
- Shadows of the Damned- $4.99
- Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution- $7.49
- Skate 3- $4.99
- Sonic & Knuckles- $2.00
- Sonic Adventure- $2.49
- Sonic Adventure 2- $4.99
- Sonic CD- $2.49
- Sonic Generations- $9.99
- Sonic the Fighters- $2.49
- Sonic the Hedgehog- $2.49
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2- $2.49
- Sonic the Hedgehog 3- $2.49
- Spec Ops: The Line- $5.99
- SSX- $4.94
- Street Fighter IV- $9.99
- Stuntman Ignition- $2.99
- Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition- $11.99
- Supreme Commander 2- $3.74
- The Darkness II- $5.99
- The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom- $1.99
- TimeShift- $14.99
- Tomb Raider Underworld- $1.99
- XCOM: Enemy Within- $7.99
These deals are good through next Tuesday, September 11, at 6 AM EDT, so get them while you can!