Microsoft packed a lot of stuff, including the new Xbox One X, into their big E3 2017 press conference, but you couldn’t miss the fact that almost all of Microsoft’s big franchises, like Halo and Gears of War, were missing in action. Forza Motorsport 7, Sea of Thieves, and Crackdown 3 all look solid, but Microsoft’s lineup of first-party exclusives feels a bit lacking. Well, don’t worry – according to Microsoft, they have more big games on the way, they’re just keeping them under their hats for now.
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Here’s what Xbox marketing boss Aaron Greenberg had to say to Gamereactor about the relative lack of first-party Xbox titles at E3 2017.
“It’s a fine balance of how much do you show early. I can tell you that there are a lot of other projects happening for Xbox, with a lot of big titles that we’re not talking about today. We always balance that. How much do we show farther into the future? The fact was, we showed 42 games at E3…with a really great variety of titles.”
So, when will we actually see some of these unannounced games? Greenberg confirmed Microsoft would be at this year’s Gamescom (essentially the European version of E3), which kicks off on August 22. The team behind Halo says we won’t hear anything new from them any time soon, so don’t get your hopes up for that, but perhaps a new Gears of War or some major original title could be revealed.
Earlier this month, Xbox boss Phil Spencer echoed Greenberg, indicating Microsoft has become more cautious about showing games too far in advance…
“We’re not alone in putting games on-stage early, that then have a second E3, or a third E3, before they actually come out. As a platform holder there’s tension, because if I had shown Master Chief running around in 4K on the screen, the place would have gone crazy. You know that. I know that. But I also know the time it takes to just get something ready for the screen is real time away from production on the game.”
Sony also claims they have major PS4 titles in the works they didn’t show at E3, and, of course, Nintendo has been shy about showing stuff forever. It seems we’re just going to have to get used to the new drip-feed approach.
You can check out WWG’s latest Xbox coverage here.
[via Gamereactor]