A sequel to Scream, the fifth installment in the Scream horror/comedy franchise, is coming. Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Entertainment will begin production on a sixth Scream movie this summer, bringing back directors Radio Silence (Ready or Not, V/H/S,) with Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett at the helm and James Vanderbilt (Murder Mystery, Zodiac,) & Guy Busick (Ready or Not, Castle Rock,) co-writing the screenplay. Principal photography is slated to begin this summer. Plot details are under wraps. A number of characters survived Scream (2022), which allows for the story to follow any of several characters for the next installment.
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After the passing of horror legend and franchise creator Wes Craven, it seemed Scream was over. Cast members Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, and David Arquette all returned to the franchise when Radio Silence came on board after their acclaimed comedy-horror movie Ready or Not.
“We are tremendously grateful to the fans around the world who enthusiastically received our film,” Spyglass and Paramount said in a statement. “We can’t wait for audiences to see what Radio Silence, writers Jamie & Guy and Project X have in store for our Woodsboro family.”
“Working with such a wonderful and talented family of creators – and in the lineage Wes and Kevin so expertly built – has been the thrill of a lifetime and we’re so excited to bring the next chapter in the Scream saga to life,” Radio Silence said in a statement.
“Is this real life?Getting to collaborate once again with our friends on the next installment of the Scream story is more than we could have hoped for,” Vanderbilt and Busick said. “We are overwhelmed that we get to continue to play in the sandbox that Kevin and Wes created.It is, as Ghostface would say, an honor.”
Scream earned a “Certified Fresh” score from Rotten Tomatoes, and recently surpassed the $100 million global box office milestone. Directed by Bettinelli-Olpin and Gillett and written by Vanderbilt & Busick from characters created by Kevin Williamson, the horror film’s cast included: Melissa Barrera, Kyle Gallner, Mason Gooding, Mikey Madison, Dylan Minnette, Jenna Ortega, Jack Quaid, Marley Shelton, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Sonia Ammar with Courteney Cox, David Arquette and Neve Campbell. Williamson, Villella, Barber, Oillataguerre, Ron Lynch, Cathy Konrad and Marianne Maddalena served as executive producers.
Project X Entertainment’s Vanderbilt, Paul Neinstein and William Sherak are serving as producers (“Ambulance,” “Bed Rest”). Creator Kevin Williamson and the third member of Radio Silence, Chad Villella, are executive producing alongside Spyglass’ Gary Barber and Peter Oillataguerre.