Finn Wolfhard is currently promoting the upcoming film, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, and he recently appeared on the hit show, Hot Ones. During the interview, he chatted about the upcoming movie in addition to the highly-anticipated fifth and final season of Stranger Things, which recently went back into production. Wolfhard also revealed that he got caught up in an attempted robbery while directing his short film, Night Shifts. The short is about a robber who realizes the clerk he’s robbing is an old friend from school. Turns out, the production was interrupted by an actual robber.
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“While we were shooting the robbery scene, a guy came in with like a fake… he like wielded a fake gun together through like bike springs,” Woldhard shared. “It was the weirdest thing ever and he came in brandishing this fake gun and [actor Artoun Nazareth], the guy who is playing the burglar, turned around with his fake gun, and they were just pointing fake guns at each other like a standoff.”
“I was sitting there directing and I was like, ‘What’s going on?’ and I kind of peeked out and saw this standoff happening,” he continued. “I was like, ‘Cool, let’s move on’. And everyone was like, ‘No! What the f*ck just happened?!’. It was nuts.”
Nazareth also spoke about the incident during an interview with Sonder Magazine.
“I have the prop gun in my hands and then the door opens,” he recalled. “Obviously, I’m not thinking, ‘Yeah, let me stop this guy and point my gun at him,’ and it looks like he’s pointing something at me, so I move towards him and I’m thinking to myself, ‘Does he have a gun? No, I don’t think so. What’s happening?’
“Finn and the rest of the crew couldn’t be around the area I was being shot in for the scene, so they didn’t see him come in,” Nazareth continued. “I didn’t really know what was going on regardless because it’s not like he came in and said, ‘I’m robbing the place,’ and then he just left!”
“Of course, it’s nothing to joke about. There are shootings going on regularly in this country and it’s scary, but it was such a weird, shocking little moment.”
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire hits theaters on March 22nd. Stranger Things Season 5 is expected to drop in 2025.