New York Man Fired, Sued For Allegedly Stealing $90,000 Worth of Cake From Work

In a four-month spree that would make even Lex Luthor jealous, a New York man is being sued by his [...]

In a four-month spree that would make even Lex Luthor jealous, a New York man is being sued by his former employer after they allege he stole $90,000 worth of cakes from an upscale cake shop. According to the New York Post, Lady M Confections alleges that a delivery driver loaded up his trucks with expensive, gourmet cakes regularly for months and resold them for a profit. The driver, David Lliviganay, was apparently arrested and has plead guilty to petit larceny -- which both sounds like a compromise deal (in New York, petit larceny is typically reserved for thefts of under $1,000 in value) and also weirdly appropriate, using "petit" in connection with delicate, crepe-based pastries.

The Post reports that Lliviganay would simply travel to Lady M's Long Island City warehouse and load up bags with cakes, leaving the premises with them and raising few questions, presumably because he worked for the company. A lawsuit by Lady M against their former employee alleges that he stole more than 1,000 cakes in total, including more than 350 in January alone. It was not the theft itself that caught their attention, likely because when you make food in bulk, some of it is bound to get damaged, go bad, or be otherwise tossed out. Instead, the issue was that Lady M discovered unauthorized resale happening in the New York area and set about putting an end to the bootleg operation.

"Lady M is fully committed to promoting a workplace of respect and inclusion," said the company in a statement. "We are a born and bred New York City company, and have been in business for nearly two decades. We put our customers first in all matters, and are dedicated to the quality of our cakes and service. We also enforce company standards, which include honesty and integrity, and cannot comment on the specifics of pending litigation matters."

While Lliviganay and his lawyers had nothing to say on the matter, another employee reportedly suggested that Lady M was too lax in taking inventory and that Lliviganay took advantage of a hole in the system created by management, seemingly blaming the victims and saying in effect that such a theft was inevitable.

Lliviganay seemingly knew that an investigation into the theft was forthcoming, as he left for a vacation in February and never returned. He was officially fired a month later, according to the Post story, which reports that both Wifi logins and surveillance footage place him at the scene of the thefts and reportedly caught him doing the deed.

And that's terrible.