X-Men Star Ian McKellen Gets Covid-19 Vaccine

It's been a long road, but over the past week people are finally starting to get the first doses [...]

It's been a long road, but over the past week people are finally starting to get the first doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in the United Kingdom, and X-Men and Lord of the Rings star Ian McKellen revealed he has had his first shot of the vaccine to ITV. The article featured a photo and a video of him receiving the first of two shots of the vaccine, and he will return in size weeks to receive the second shot. McKellen, who is 81, praised the NHS and said he wants to give them a big hug after that second shot if it's allowed of course.

On social media, McKellen posted a link to the article and added the caption "I feel very lucky to have had the vaccine. I would have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone."

"Next time I come, well no, six days after I next come I'm going to give them all a big hug - is that allowed? I don't know," McKellen said. He then talked a bit more about the NHS, saying "That's the real bonus of all this, to watch and see what works in this country and what doesn't work - and it seems to me the NHS is right at the top of the list for institutions that do work."

"Of course, I know I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for the NHS. I'm a little bit older than the NHS but when I was a kid, having good medical treatment available when it was needed - what a wonderful notion," McKellen said.

As for the vaccination itself, McKellen said "It is invasive of course, it looks like a weapon - a needle - but it isn't, it's a friend! I would encourage everybody to do the sensible thing, not just for themselves but for everybody else because if you're virus-free that helps everybody else, doesn't it?"

The vaccine is also starting to roll out in the states, and will follow the same two injection process.