Spider-Man: Homecoming is another major success for Marvel Studios (and Sony), and as we’ve previously stated, the film pushes the Marvel Cinematic Universe forward in important ways.
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However, in telling its story, Homecoming also raises some significant questions about the MCU’s next stage of development, by sprinkling in small tidbits of info that could later turn into major developments. Examples like Avengers tower being sold, or Captain America getting a new prototype shield are things that fans are currently buzzing about; however, as Marvel movie fans are starting to look at the bigger picture (and doing a little mental math), there’s also a major issue with the film’s place in the MCU, which is starting to come into focus:
Here’s how Spider-Man: Homecoming Creates a Major MCU Timeline Problem for Avengers: Infinity War.
The Eight Year Conundrum

Spider-Man: Homecomingย opens with Adrian Toomesย (Michael Keaton) and his crew working on cleaning up The Battle of New York – akaย the Avengers battle against The Chitauri in the firstย Avengersย movie. Toomesย is barred from continuing his operations by shadowy governmentย agents, at which point ย – at which point the film makes a huge time jump.
The main story ofย Spider-Man: Homecoming is stated (by the film itself) to take placeย eight years after the events ofย Avengers.ย Thatย time jump creates some massive MCUย timelineย problems, as it contradicts several previous timelineย establishments, which Marvel Studios itself has confirmed in the past.ย
Moreover, though, this “eight year conundrum” makes it frustratingly unclear how the Spider-Man: Homecoming franchise synchsย up toย bothย of Marvel’sย upcomingย Avengers: Infinity Warย films.
The MCU’s Past

(Click HERE for Hi-Resย Version)
As you can view by clicking above, Marvel has established a chronology for the events of the MCU, using milestone events as time markers instead of years. However, some simple historical knowledge and math can help to correlate events.ย
Captain America: The First Avengerย opens in 1942 when Red Skull finds the Tesseract; it concludes in 1945, when Steve Rogers is frozen in the Arctic sea. That event is set 64 years before Tony Stark reveals that he is Iron Man to the world, making the events ofย Iron Manย take place in 2009 (a year later than when the film was released) – but it’s also been stated that Iron Manย could be set in 2010. Either way, six months after that point, the events ofย Iron Man 2, Thor,ย andย The Incredible Hulkย all take place in the span of a week (known as “Fury’s Big Week”).ย In an interview with Kevin Feige in 2013, the Marvel Studios head stated thatย The Avengersย takes place about a year after the events ofย “Fury’s Big Week.”ย
Marvel Studios has been purposely vague on assigning exact years to a lot of its films, but the math approximates to this:ย
- Captain America: TFAย (1945)
- Iron Man (2009)
- Iron Man 2 (2010)
- Thor (2010)
- Incredible Hulk (2010)
- The Avengers (2011)
The major point of contention / confusion comes from the generally accepted notion that (with the exception ofย Iron Man),ย Marvel’sย Phase I films follow a real-time chronology that corresponds to their release. So, that means Avengersย would be set in the spring or summer of 2012, withย Iron Man 3 starting Phase IIย around Christmas and New Years of that same year.
Spider-Man: Homecomingย then muddies the waters entirely with its eight-year jump, setting that movie in the 2019 or 2020 range!ย ย
MCU Future

Here’s the major mess of chronology thatย Spider-Man: Homecomingย has now created:ย
The eight-year jump fromย Avengersย toย Homecomingย doesn’t really make sense when compared to the events ofย Captain America: Civil War.ย Civil Warย is presumably set in 2016 (which has previously been confirmed by several Marvel execs), a year afterย Age of Ultronย – with the events ofย Spider-Man: Homecomingย set just about half a year afterย Peter Parkerย returns home from battling Cap’s team inย Civil War.ย Inย Captain America 3, The Vision establishes a chronology for the events of thatย film, by saying the Avengers now exist at a pointย 8 years afterย Tony Stark first revealedย himself as Iron Man to the world.ย
Ironically, it’sย Guardians of the Galaxyย that further confuses things. Both Guardiansย films take place in the same year, andย Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.ย 2ย actually has year dates which reveal that both of the films take place in 2014. Kevin Feigeย himself has already said that four years will pass between the events ofย GotGV2ย andย Avengers: Infinity War –ย placing at least the first part ofย Infinity Warย in 2018.ย
So, here is the major timelineย confusion we’re left with:
- How canย Spider-Man: Homecomingย take place both eightย years afterย Avengers,ย andย just half a year afterย Captain America: Civil Warย – whenย Civil Warย is already set eight years afterย Iron Man?ย
- It’s been previously stated that theย Homecomingย trilogy will follow Peter through each subsequent year of high school – starting with his sophomore year inย Homecoming – but thatย Homecoming 2ย starts immediately afterย Infinity War 2. So, are we to believe that both halves ofย Infinity War take place in the span of time between the second half of Peter Parker’s sophomore year and some point in junior year of high school?
Possible Explanations

This is now a major timelineย conundrumย that exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Andย though some fans would argue that the exact details don’t matter, creating a cohesive cinematic universe sort of demands that the chronology be exact, no?ย
Most of this could be cleared up if Kevin Feigeย were to simply amend things he may have said on the fly in interviews –ย specifically thatย Guardians / Infinity Warย time span, which currently forcesย Infinity Warย to be set in 2018.
Another “fix” would be to amend the idea that theย Homecomingย franchiseย hasย to be set in an exact progression of Peter’s high school years; if he were to take a leave of absence to, say, go into space and save the universe? It would allow for him to return to school later than expected, so that the events ofย Homecoming 2ย could still be set in high school,ย andย still pick up immediately afterย Avengers: Infinity War II. Breaking away from the idea thatย theย Homecomingย franchise has to be entirely set in high school would also fix that issue.ย
What do you think Marvel fans? Is this MCUย timelineย too messy for your tastes? Or doesn’t it all make sense to you? If so, let US know how it does @ComicbookNOW!ย
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Are you excited for Avengers: Infinity War? Rank your anticipation below!

Avengers: Infinity War is described by Marvel Studios as the culmination of everything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since Iron Man in 2008. The movie is filming now under directors Anthony and Joe Russo, from a screenplay by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely.
The expansive confirmed cast includes Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bethany, Sebastian Stan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Pom Klementieff, and Josh Brolin as the villain Thanos.
Avengers: Infinity War and its as-yet-untitled sequel are filming back-to-back for a May 4, 2018 and May 3, 2019 release, respectively.