Marvel Releases "War Of The Realms" Teaser Trailer

This April, New York City will end up playing host to one of the biggest battles the Marvel [...]

This April, New York City will end up playing host to one of the biggest battles the Marvel Universe has ever seen. An event that's been building for nearly a decade through Jason Aaron's various runs on Thor properties, "War of the Realms" is shaping up to be on of the House of Idea's biggest cross-over events yet.

To help pump-up the upcoming "epic crossover event," Marvel released a teaser trailer featuring Aaron and Thor group editor Wil Moss to talk about what exactly is in store for the Marvel heroes with Malekith and company invade Earth.

"The story really begins when that war that's been brewing for years in the pages of Thor explodes here in Midgard," Aaron teases. "And at that point, it's bigger than a Thor battle — everyone becomes a part of that battle."

Moss echoed the sentiment, saying that although Thor's a heavy player in the event, all of the Avengers will take part in helping to defend their home planet. The editor also praised Aaron's ability to make comics new reader-friendly, saying that readers won't have to get caught up on year's worth of Thor and Avengers comics to know what's going on in "War of the Realms."

"Even though this story involves a lot of moving pieces and elements from the Thor comics and the Avengers comics," Moss says. "It's something that everyone can just dive into."

"The War of the Realms is literally the war for everything so all of the players of the Marvel universe have to get involved," the editor elaborates. "You can't see our characters all get together anywhere else but big, cool stories like this."

Though Marvel's Earth-616 has been the subject of countless invasions in the past, Aaron promises a new story featuring the worst threats from the other eight realms.

"The inciting incident is when people in Times Square look out the window one day and a portal opens where Frost Giants, Dark Elves, and fire demons come pouring out," Aaron says. "That war finally makes it here to New York City and suddenly it's not just a Thor story anymore it's an Avengers story, it's an everybody story."

What'd you think of the teaser? Is War of the Realms going to be a title you add to your pull list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

A press release from Marvel made sure to mention that "The War of the Realms" is the first event since Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic's Secret Wars (2015) to have a lasting impact on the Marvel Universe.