Clark Gregg Thinks SHIELD Will Reboot After 'Avengers: Endgame'

Captain Marvel will do plenty of things for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but some are bigger [...]

Captain Marvel will do plenty of things for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but some are bigger than others. Take for instance the fact Phil Coulson will re-enter the the franchise with this throwback entry; At long last, Clark Gregg will reprise his role on the big screen, and it seems he's got big ideas of where to go next.

Or, rather, where SHIELD can go next. The secretive organization has undergone a whole bunch of changes in the MCU, and the time is coming to simplify its timeline.

Recently, Gregg sat down with Fandom to talk all things Marvel, and it was there the actor opened up about his thoughts on SHIELD. The actor shared his guess for where the organization will go in a post-Thanos world, and Gregg thinks the events of Avengers: Endgame will have a huge part in that decision.

"My theory is that after The Avengers and the Battle of New York, the game was completely changed and the mission of SHIELD changed," the actor explained.

"My suspicion is after Endgame there's going to be another complete reboot that involves all of the new people we know about now and all of the new threats. It doesn't get easier for SHIELD ever."

For Gregg, he believes that Avengers: Endgame could be the big bang reboot some fans want from the MCU. The total overhaul could be caused by time travel or alternate dimensions, but either option would bring about a new SHIELD. This organization could start from ground zero when it comes to missions and oversights, but fans know one thing is for sure. Even if SHIELD is burned down and built back up again, the legacy of Nick Fury and Coulson is one that cannot be overwritten.

So, do you think Gregg's theory could be proven true? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!

Agents of SHIELD Season 6 drops in May. Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe films includeCaptain Marvel on March 8th, Avengers: Endgame on April 26th, and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th.


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