Marvel Fans Spot A Secret About Mysterio In New 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' Photo

With Avengers: Endgame hitting theaters tonight, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is already [...]

With Avengers: Endgame hitting theaters tonight, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is already preparing to grow yet again with the relase of Spider-Man: Far From Home this summer. Earlier today, fans got a new, detailed look at the costume for Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal), and immediately latched on to a key detail that may inform his backstory. As noted by Stephanie Williams, co-writer on Arclight Comics's Braxton, Mysterio is wearing a wedding band in the photo, which sees him face to face with Tom Holland's Spider-Man.

In the comics, Quentin Beck was a special-effects wizard who worked for a major studio and had dreams to make a name for himself in the film industry. Beck attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and after graduating began his career as a movie stuntman in Hollywood, then became interested in special effects. He became one of the most accomplished special effects designers in the industry, but due to lack of recognition, he wanted to become an actor. However, he lacked the looks and talent to be a star and the patience to be a director, and saw his career in special-effects to be a dead-end job. When a friend of his jokingly suggested that the quickest way to become famous was to take out a costumed hero, Beck realized that his expertise in illusions could make him an effective super-villain. Choosing Spider-Man, then a relatively weak and inexperienced target, Beck prepared his resources for a few months before attempting to eliminate the wall-crawler. Mysterio, his chosen identity, became one of Spider-Man's most elusive and persistent foes.

As far as we can recall, Mysterio never had a wife in the comics, but his mind-altering and reality-warping powers allowed him to create a "daughter" for himself at one point, setting himself up for further disappointment when she tried to betray and murder him in a ritual that played on the same "sacrifice the thing you love most" philosophy that drove Thanos's actions at the Soul Stone in Avengers: Infinity War. Whether his "wife" might turn out to be a similar construct or whether he simply has or had one before becoming Mysterio is anybody's guess at this point.

What do you think of Mysterio's suit? Are you excited for Far From Home? Let us know in the comments! Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters on July 5th.


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