In 2017, Hugh Jackman reprised his role as Wolverine one more time in Logan. The film brought Jackman’s journey as Wolverine, which had begun 17 years earlier in 2000’s original X-Men movie, to an end. It was a long way from when he didn’t know that wolverines are real animals. Today, Jackman took to social media to commemorate the third anniversary of the release of Logan, reflecting on the role that made his career. “3 years ago, on this day, LOGAN was released,” Jackman writes. “Thank you for the many (and I really mean MANY) years of sweat, steamed chicken and the role of a lifetime!”
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Playing such an iconic character for so many years is a feat many actors dream about. That Jackman did ti after almost being fired from the role early on makes it even more impressive.
“I was told that things weren’t really working out as they hoped,” Jackman said in a June 1019 interview.”I was about to get fired from my first Hollywood movie – the biggest of my career. I was angry, I went home to my wife and I complained. I was whinging an Olympic level of whinging to Deb, my wife, and moaning about this person and that person. She listened to me very patiently for about an hour and finally she just said, ‘Listen, I think you have just got to trust yourself. You are worrying way too much about what everything else is thinking. Just go back to the character, focus on that, trust your instinct… you’ve got this.’ To me that was love. Someone that believes in you when you don’t fully believe in yourself.”
Jackman played Wolverine in nine X-Men movies. He began with the original X-Men trilogy of X-Men (2000), X2: X-Men United (2003), and X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). He then starred in the first X-Men solo movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009). He made a cameo appearance in X-Men: First Class (2011) and starred in a second solo film, The Wolverine (2013). He returned to lead X-Men: Days of Future Past and had a small role in X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) before ending his run with Logan (2017).
There were some plans early on for Dafne Keen to return in a sequel to Logan focusing on Wolverine’s clone daughter, Laura. With Disney’s purchase of 2th Century Fox, it is unclear if those plans are still being considered. As for Wolverine, Jackman has said that he hopes the role is recast.