Ant-Man and the Wasp Deleted Scene Shows Hank and Janet Involved in Accident That Created Ghost

Some lucky fans have already received their copies of Marvel Studios' Infinity Saga box set, which [...]

Some lucky fans have already received their copies of Marvel Studios' Infinity Saga box set, which is loaded with tons of bonus material from all of their movies over the last decade. This also marked a rare occasion where many of the deleted scenes that didn't make it to the home video releases have finally seen the light of day, and one clip from Ant-Man and the Wasp revealed that Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne were partially responsible for one of the newest villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In a deleted scene for Ant-Man and the Wasp, Janet and Hank are on hand when Elias Starr conducts his experiment that results in his daughter Ava receiving her phasing abilities. This puts her on the path toward becoming the villain Ghost, though she is seemingly on the path toward reform by the end of the movie.

Because this doesn't occur in the theatrical cut, we can't assume that the original Wasp and Ant-Man have anything to do with Ghost's creation; only Bill Foster was on hand after the accident to help young Ava cope with her abilities.

It's likely that the character will show up in a future Marvel Studios film, especially with the recent announcement that Ant-Man 3 is now in the works. Actress Hannah John-Kamen teased earlier this year that her character would return in the future.

"In the MCU, you have to sign your contract with blood and they stitch your mouth together." John-Kamen said to Yahoo! "All I can say is that Ghost didn't die."

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige confirmed that there were plans in place for the episode.

"In this case, the story was always – spoiler! – to keep her around," Feige explained to Birth.Movies.Death last year. "This was not the story of defeating a villain and everybody cheering. This is a different kind of villain story. When and where – in the tag, he mentions 'his new Ghost friend' – is something we'll see. But there's nothing better than struggling over the decision about what characters to bring into a movie, casting those characters, writing and putting them together in a way that works in the movie, and then have audiences go 'We love them, when are we going to see them again?' Shuri for sure is a great example of that. So with Ghost it is, step one: complete. As for step two, we'll see where we go with that."

Ant-Man 3 does not yet have a release date.