
Avengers Fan Who Brought Marvel Stars Together Has Died

The young Avengers fan who brought all sorts of Marvel stars together has unfortunately passed […]

The young Avengers fan who brought all sorts of Marvel stars together has unfortunately passed away.

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11-year-old Emilio Pachon was brought to the attention of Marvel stars by Fox News journalist Shannon Bream. Bream explained that Emilio was dying, and since he was a huge Avengers fan asked if the actors from the movies could reach out with supportive messages. The community responded, with Emilio getting messages from stars like Chris Evans, Ryan Reynolds, Paul Bettany, and more, but Bream revealed today that the young fan had passed away (via EW).

“Twitterverse, young Pachรณn has lost his fight,” Bream said. “Thank you to the thousands who pitched in so that he could hear from some of his heroes in his last days. You lit up his hospital room and blessed his family. Emilio’s simple request launched an avalanche of goodness and miracles.”

Bream continued, giving a thank you to many of the stars who reached out to him before he passed.

“We’ve lost Emilio, but a special thank you to @jaketapper #PaulRudd @Paul_Bettany @DonCheadle @wongrel @ChrisEvans @ChloeBennet4 @clarkgregg @ZacharyLevi @MarkRuffalo @donallogue @MeghanMcCain and many others who helped get messages to him before he lost his fight.”

She also reminded fans to pray for Emilio’s family and explained some ways that fans can help them, including supporting the Genes Foundation and buying a book called The Mindless Boy, written by Emilio.

“Please pray for Emilio’s loved ones as they now grieve his passing. He wrote a book last year, and all profits go to the foundation they started to help other families facing the same struggles. โ€ฆ See precious Emilio here:”

“Though Emilio has passed, any Avengers/Heroes who wanted to send messages can now direct them to his twin little brothers who are big fans of yours too. DM me if you’re interested. Let’s all pray for them in the tough days/weeks ahead.”

If any Marvel heroes would like to send additional messages, Emilio had two twin brothers that would be more than happy to get them.

“any Avengers/heroes who wanted to send messages can now direct them to his twin little brothers who are big fans of yours too.”

You can find out more about Emilio in the video above.