Captain Marvel: Brie Larson's Favorite Part of Playing Carol Is Her Flaws

Captain Marvel is far from perfect in the comics, and that's part of why we love her. It turns out [...]

Captain Marvel is far from perfect in the comics, and that's part of why we love her. It turns out that's why Brie Larson loves her too.

Larson sat down to talk all things Captain Marvel in a recent interview, and during the chat, she revealed what she really likes about the character. The whole being able to blast people with energy and superhuman strength stuff is cool of course, but for Larson, it comes to the very human person at the center of them.

"I think who she is is just so dynamic and unique, because she is really strong and steadfast and knows who she is, but she also is emotional and feels terrible when she makes a mistake and is deeply flawed, and says the wrong thing, and those were really the things that I was excited about because just playing a superhero that was some like idealized version of perfection just didn't feel right to me. I like the fact that she doesn't always do the right thing, and when she doesn't do the right thing she goes out of her way to make sure that she can fix the mistake," Larson told Spot Entertainment.

The powers are impressive, don't get us wrong, but it's Carol's determination and humor, even when she makes mistakes, that keep us coming back to the character.

Larson also thinks the character has a healthy ego and a confidence in what she can do.

"I think she has an ego, but in a healthy way," Larson told reporters on the set. "She doesn't have an unrealistic expectation of herself – she just owns that she's really good and really skilled, which feels good to play. She also has an incredible sense of humor, makes fun of herself, makes fun of other people and has no issue if someone makes fun of her."

We can't wait to see all of these elements in action on the big screen, and thankfully we don't have to wait very much longer.

Captain Marvel stars Academy Award® winner Brie Larson (Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou (Korath), Lee Pace (Ronan), Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan (Minn-Erva), Algenis Perez Soto, Rune Temte, McKenna Grace, Kenneth Mitchell (Joseph Danvers), with Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson), and Jude Law.

Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 8th.


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