Over the weekend, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, and Anthony Mackie played host to over a couple thousand of attendees during a panel at Wizard World’s Philadelphia comic convention. Throughout the panel, several fans approached and asked the actors of Team Cap questions ranging from moments on set to Brie Larson as Captain Marvel.
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One fan decided to ask the trio about something outside of their Marvel Cinematic Universe comfort zone: what is your dream role?
“Disney movie for Chris?” panel moderator Andy Signore interjected, prompting Falcon actor Mackie to start singing, “Under the sea!” in reference to The Little Mermaid (which, by the way, has a live action remake on the way).
“I would say Prince Eric,” Evans said to a roaring cheer from the audience. “That’s not my answer because then everyone is gonna say, ‘He wants to be Prince Eric!’” the actor quickly added before getting a bit more serious with his response. “They’ve always been flirting with the idea of doing a remake of West Side Story. I always thought that would be cool. I grew up watching that movie, liked it a lot. Some role in that would be cool.”
As for Stan, his choice was a little less exciting but still a fun idea. “I gotta redo 48 Hrs with Anthony [Mackie].” Stan says. “I’ve gotta find something like that.” 48 Hrs or Lethal Weapon starring Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie? We’ll take it!
Captain America: Civil War is now playing in theaters.