
‘Deadpool 2’ Parodies Marvel Studios 10th Anniversary Video

Deadpool is coming out swinging for his big sequel debut – which is why these latest Deadpool 2 […]

Deadpool is coming out swinging for his big sequel debut – which is why these latest Deadpool 2 promos have had no problem throwing more and more jabs at the film’s Marvel movie competitor, Avengers: Infinity War. In this latest promo, Deadpool doesn’t just take aim at the big Avengers crossover event – he fires shots at the entire ten-year run of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

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See for yourself, above!

If you don’t get the reference, you should definitely re-watch the Marvel Studios 10th Anniversary featurette, which was released as part of the lead-in to Avengers: Infinity War (we posted it for you, below). It’s clear that Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool is mimicking the tone and mannerisms of Kevin Feige, Robert Downey Jr., Jon Favreau and the rest of the Marvel Studios figures who appear in the featurette, giving their reflective testimonies about how the Marvel Cinematic Universe came together.

It’s hard to tell unless you speak Portuguese, but the title cards in the Deadpool promo are hilarious parodies of the milestone markers in the actual Marvel featurette. The Deadpool version recounts how long Reynolds and others tried to get a Deadpool movie made; how X-Men Origins: Wolverine got it so very wrong; how Fox repeatedly shot down the pitches for the film; and how some “unknown parties” eventually leaked director Tim Miller’s test footage, prompting Fox to finally back the film. It gets even funnier when hearing Deadpool’s explanation about how the movie’s success affected him: spoiler, classic Hollywood coke habit.

The fist reviews for Deadpool 2 (including our own official review) have claimed that the sequel is even funnier than the first – and that humor definitely extends to the film’s marketing campaign! The parodies have been spot-on, and in certain cases it’s been downright outlandish, in the best way. Reports that Ryan Reynolds worked on the jokes until the last minute of production just goes to show the actor’s commitment to this franchise, and making it the best it can be. With reports of a big opening weekend box office, it seems all the work will have been worth it.

In fact, Deadpool 2 is jam-packed with jokes and pop-culture references that even the material left on the cutting room floor is going to be the subject of fan dicussion for a long time to come. That’s not even including the film’s surprise twists and cameos, which are sure to light up the zeitgeist after opening weekend!

Deadpool 2 comes out this Friday. The X-Men movie universe will continue when X-Men: Dark Phoenix opens February 14, 2019, followed by The New Mutants on August 2, 2019.