Gabriel Luna on If Ghost Rider Survived the Snap, "He Can't Touch Me"

Somewhere in the bowels of Hell — at least in the Marvel Cinematic Universe — Robbie Reyes [...]

Somewhere in the bowels of Hell — at least in the Marvel Cinematic UniverseRobbie Reyes (Gabriel Luna) roams, doing the bidding of the hellish Spirit of Vengeance. After last coming to the aid of Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) and company during the fourth season of Agents of SHIELD, Reyes and his Hell Charger haven't been seen in a year, though that fact surely isn't stopping Luna from talking about his character and the snap.

Speaking with at CinemaCon, Luna admits that he thinks his character wasn't dusted away as part of "The Snap" of Avengers: Infinity War.

"Hey, I'm already dead bro," Luna tells us. "I can't die again. [Thanos] can't touch me."

While it has yet to be seen if Reyes will return in a future season of Agents or SHIELD — or some other MCU property for that matter — Luna's hard at work helping promote Terminator: Dark Fate, a movie helmed as the rebirth of James Cameron's iconic sci-fi franchise. In Dark Fate, Luna plays a new Terminator, which he tells is something that's "hard to describe."

"It's really hard to describe, because for me when I first got the part there was no script. So I spent a lot of time - more time than I should divulge - just standing in front of a mirror, just trying to develop the physical vocabulary of what he is, what's important. The head pitched forward in pursuit; the fluidity and the points of focus and all these things. And that's all I could work on, you know? So am sitting there, like, 'What is a Terminator to me?' and I'm breaking it down and building it up from the ground."

"And then I got the script and I realized what Tim [Miller's] and Jim [Cameron's] vision of this Terminator is, and tried to marry the two, and then align them with what The Terminator has been in my imagination for 36 years or whatever."

Agents of SHIELD Season Six premiers Friday, May 10th at 8/7 p.m. Central on ABC.

What'd you think of Luna's take on Ghost Rider? Where would you like the character to show up next? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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