Doctor Strange's Benedict Wong Speaks out on Marvel and Sony Spider-Man Split: "Why Are Mom and Dad Arguing?"

The Marvel/Sony Spider-Man split has been a difficult situation for fans of the friendly [...]

The Marvel/Sony Spider-Man split has been a difficult situation for fans of the friendly neighborhood webslinger. With there no longer being a deal in place, the beloved character is out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the foreseeable future, but it's a situation that isn't just upsetting for fans. It's hard on stars of the MCU as well, including Benedict Wong who likens the situation to a fight between parents.

During a Q&A at FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention on Saturday, Wong was asked about his feelings on the complex situation and had what might be the most fitting analogy for the whole situation.

"Whatever is going on, it's almost like 'Why are mom and dad arguing? They had something beautiful together!'" Wong said. "We've got to do it, for the good of all of us."

As fans are all too-aware, news hit last month that the deal that allowed for Spider-Man to appear in the MCU had ended and discussions of a new deal -- one that would have seen Marvel's parent company Disney get a considerable lift in their cut of box office revenue for Spider-Man movies -- that would continue the partnership had ended with no agreement in place. Since the announcement, fans had been hoping that the two parties would come back to the table and resolve their issues, but last week Sony Pictures chairman and CEO Tony Vinciquerra dashed those hopes.

"For the moment the door is closed," Vinciquerra said.

"We had a great run with [Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige] on Spider-Man movies," Vinciquerra said. "We tried to see if there's a way to work it out....the Marvel people are terrific people, we have great respect for them, but on the other hand, we have some pretty terrific people of our own. [Feige] didn't do all the work."

Those comments make it seem pretty clear that "parental" argument isn't going to end anytime soon, meaning that Spider-Man won't be headed back to the MCU.

"Spider-Man was fine before the event movies, did better with the event movies, and now that we have our own universe, he will play off the other characters well," Vinciquerra said. "I think we're pretty capable of doing what we have to do here."

What do you think about Wong's take on the Spider-Man situation? Do you think Marvel and Sony will somehow figure things out? Let us know in the comments below.