Guardians of the Galaxy's Gamora Becomes a Disney Princess

Believe it or not, but Gamora is the latest character to join the stable of princesses at Disney. [...]

Believe it or not, but Gamora is the latest character to join the stable of princesses at Disney. Well, kind of. In a recent episode of Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout!, Gamora got separated from the rest of the team thanks to an inter-dimensional MacGuffin and before long, she wakes up in a "Princess Dimension," a place where the wildlife sings, dances, and is just generally much more happier than Gamora on a daily basis.

Even though Gamora is eventually surprised by evil forest critters, the animated version if still much better off than her live-action counterpart. When it comes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the current timeline version of the character is deader than dead and a Gamora from a previous timeline is running amok on a world — let alone timeline — that's entirely new to her.

Endgame director Joe Russo wouldn't tell us whether Gamora was a victim of Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) snap at the end of the film, but he did hint that it's not the end of her story arc just quite yet.

"Quill's searching for her at the end of the movie, is she alive, is she dead, we have no idea," Russo previously shared with "Even if she is alive, it's not the same Gamora. The way timelines work is you've gotten a different character. This is not the same person, she doesn't have the same emotional memories, she doesn't have the same relationship to far as, they look like the same person but they don't have the same experiences and the same emotional memories, it's not the same person. No matter what, this would be a journey for him."

The third season of the popular kid's show ends tonight and it has yet to be revealed whether the show will be heading back to Disney XD for a fourth season.

Have you kept up with the animated Guardians of the Galaxy show? How do you like it compared to the other animated shows in Marvel's lineup? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or by tweeting me at @AdamBarnhardt to chat all things cosmic Marvel!

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout! airs the last three episodes of season three tonight on Disney XD!