Ghost Rider Star Gabriel Luna Explains What Happened With the TV Series

It only took a few episodes of Agents of SHIELD for Marvel fans to fall in love with Robbie Reyes. [...]

It only took a few episodes of Agents of SHIELD for Marvel fans to fall in love with Robbie Reyes. Gabriel Luna brought Marvel's Ghost Rider to life on the long-running series and people have consistently asked for him to get his own series ever since. Those dreams almost came true, as Hulu had ordered a Ghost Rider show to series with Luna in the starring role, but the project was cancelled just a few months later. With little to know explanation, Ghost Rider was dead in the water.

The news was disappointing for fans, but few were more frustrated by the news than Luna, who has come to love portraying the character over the years. During the press junket for his upcoming movie Terminator: Dark Fate, Luna sat down with's Brandon Davis to explain, from his perspective, what happened with the Ghost Rider series.

"You know, there was a lot of changes," says Luna. "That was in the works for some time. I was still under contract for almost three years with the promise that we would make it, and then it got the green light. We were setting up and building sets and writing scripts and everything was happening, and then I got a call that it wasn't. I'm thankful for all the time I had doing it, it's been really really fun playing him. But that's obviously all way above my pay grade. There's been a lot changes over there. The fans really love it and they keep crying out for it, and there's a bit of a chant going on the Internet, I think. But it's out of my power, man."

It sounds like the Ghost Rider project isn't going to happen any time soon, but that doesn't mean Luna is finished with comic book projects. Would the actor appear as another character down the road, even if it's not Robbie Reyes? He seems pretty open to it.

"I love playing heroes, it feels fun and I get to apply my skill set, I kinda like to mix it up and get physical, so yeah."

You can watch the full interview with Gabriel Luna in the video at the top of the page.

Are you disappointed that the Ghost Rider series isn't moving forward? Do you think there's any chance it gets picked up anywhere else in the future? Let us know in the comments!

Luna stars in Terminator: Dark Fate, now playing in theaters.