Guardians Of The Galaxy Sneak Preview Detailed Footage Description (SPOILERS)

Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.Tonight, director James Gunn [...]

Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

Tonight, director James Gunn and Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy debuted a significant chunk of footage at select IMAX 3D theaters around the country. Clocking in at 17 minutes, about 12-14 of that was an extended sequence made up of many fo the same bits fans have seen in trailers for the film.

It's an extended look, though, and it strings together a number of elements in a way that's perhaps unexpected as you just watch trailers and try to see what you think fits where. Certainly, the set and still photos released earlier today are illuminated by seeing the footage, which explains a number of things, including Quill's prosthetic leg and the giant man standing in front of Groot in the "nobody has any CG yet" photo.

The footage began with the scene from the first trailer where they do the lineup of the team and the Nova Corps exposit for us. They do name-drop Gamora being Thanos's daughter, and it explains that she was captured after she and her sister were sent out on behalf of Ronan.

The characters each get a bit of exposition before they're being shipped to a Nova Corps facility in deep space. While they're being led into the prison, they don't have Drax with them. His plan, we eventually find, is to deliver Gamora back to Ronan.

Rocket talks a good game about how he always has an escape plan, that he's escaped custody dozens of times and that he'll do it again. As Quill tries to communicate with Groot, he's frustrated by the "I am Groot" responses until someone explains to him that Groot can only respond using those three words.

Star-Lord asks Gamora what she's there for, and she explains that she's the daughter of Thanos. This is the bit where he sees the guard playing with his Walkman, tries to stop it and ends up shocked with a prod/nightstick for his trouble.

Once the group is all into their prison uniforms, they move to the mess hall/cafeteria, where everyone is screaming threats at Gamora and the like. Rocket first believes she won't last long in the place, but when they get their first challenger -- a large, blue alien in Quill's face -- Groot quickly dispatches him basically by picking him up by his hostrils and holding him aloft.

Rocket tells the assembled felons that they run things now in the prison (called the Kyln). When they sit to eat, Rocket is building a strategy, telling people what they neeed to do and get in order to make an escape. Among other things, Quill needs to get a prosthetic leg, and they need to access the power source in the corner. Quill objects, saying it's too high, but Groot can just grow to reach it.

Moments later, Groot pulls the power source out (even though Rocket had previously said that things would go to hell as soon as they did, and that it should be the last thing they get -- security drones go after them but during their escape attempt, Drax jumps in to help, putting his plan in play to return Gamora to Ronan and also to get out of prison. They get their gear together, get to the top of a tower and lock themselves in -- at that point, Quill brings Rocket the prosthetic leg and Rocket tells him that they didn't really need it; he just wanted to see the guy it belonged to hopping around on one leg. That Quill grossly overpaid for it because he thought it was key to their escape only entertains him further.

At that point, members of the Nova Corps come, heavily armed, and blow out the frame of the tower; at that point, Rocket deactivates the gravity in the area and allows them to make an escape that way.

A synopsis doesn't do the clip a ton of justice, as much of its tone is set by dialogue that cannot be accurately recalled after returning from the theater.  It's certainly a film that benefits from the 3D and the IMAX, though, and screening it in that format arguably helped keep EVERYTHING from being leaked online by fans and reporters, because the spectacle of the thing created a kind of wall of sensory white noise that made remembering the finer points of the dialogue difficult.

In addition to the prison break clip, there were a pair of clips, one of which was a montage featuring a number of characters, including shots of The Collector, Yondu and Thanos.