Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is now playing in theaters in various countries around the world as it slowly begins to take over the entire planet.
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With the second adventure of Marvel’s cosmic heroes came the introduction of several new characters and a massive expansion of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but also more post-credits scenes then ever before. While some of these scenes were significant and revealing, others appeared to be just for fun.
Still, is here to clear up the confusion and answer any question there might be regarding the additional sequences which follow Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
Warning: Full spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and its post-credits scenes follow!
New Yondu

The first of four post-credits scenes featured Kraglinย wearing Yondu’sย fin and toying around with how to control the blue-man’s arrow. As he whistled it around, into the air and back to the ground, Kraglinย started to feel a little more dangerous and let out a big whistle which sent the arrow around the corner.
Of course, the arrow landed in Drax the Destroyer’s chest and Kraglinย went running from the now angry muscle man.
This may have been a meaningless tease as there won’t surely be any permanent damage to Drax’s health but it may have planted a seed for future films. With the earlier introductions of characters such as Starhawk and Martinex in Vol. 2, a new Yondu will have to step into the role if the classic Guardians of the Galaxy roster is going to become a factor. With each of the characters being shown on the screen before Vol. 2 came to an end, it appears to be the path future Guardians or Marvel films may follow.ย
Teenage Groot

Peter Quill bursts into Groot’sย room. The talking houseplant is now in his teenage years in terms of attitude as he neglects paying any attention to Quill while playing his video game surrounded by vines which have overtaken the room.ย
Quill urges him to clean the room up and put the game down but Grootย quips back with an “I am Groot.” For the first time on screen, Quill understands what Grootย said and talks back and forth with him. Going forward, Rocket Racccoon will not be the only member of the Guardians who can communicate with Groot.ย
Furthermore, it was recently stated that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 takes place about 4 years before Avengers: Infinity War. While it’s unclear how much time has passed between the closing moments of the film and this particular scene, the Teenage Grootย seen here may be the Grootย we will be seeing for the team-up with the Avengers.ย
Stan Lee

Stan Lee made his post-credits scene debut in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 as he built on his cameo appearance which came earlier in the film.ย
Early in Vol. 2, Stan Lee is seen on a rock floating through the cosmos wearing an astronaut suit talking to the Watchers. In the scene which was quickly cut into the film as a space ship used jump windows to quickly travel from planet to planet passed them by, Lee was describing his cameo in Captain America: Civil War as a FedEx man.ย
Lee’s post-credits scene left him in space as the three Watchers he was speaking to elected to leave him behind. “You guys are my ride home,” Lee called out. Perhaps the Avengers will bump into him during their feud with Thanos. Or, maybe, Stan Lee will be floating on a rock in the cosmos of the Marvel Cinematic Universe forever.ย

One scene, in particular, managed to capture the essence of the classic Marvel Studios post-credits scene.ย
Shortly after realizing the cost of her losses, Ayesha is informed that the Sovereign’s council wishes to see her. She expects to be ridiculed for her failing efforts but has an ace up her sleeve: a creation strong enough to destroy the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Just before the camera cuts to Ayesha’sย view, the villainous leader of the Sovereign says she will call him, “Adam.” Then, we see his golden coccoon.
Ayeshaย is referring to Adam Warlock, one of the most powerful beings in Marvel comics. Though Warlock has served as both enemy and ally to Thanos in comics, he is said to be sitting out the Avengers: Infinity War films. In comics, however, Warlock was created by the Enclave, which had similar goals as the Sovereign to create the perfect humans.
The Grandmaster

Hidden in the actual credits of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was the first appearance of Jeff Goldblum’sย The Grandmaster.ย
The Grandmaster will play a role in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarokย film as the ringleader of Sakaar’sย gladiatoralย battles which will eventually see the God of Thunder take on the incredible Hulk.ย
During the latter moments of Vol. 2‘s credits, various characters from the film were seen dancing to the tune of the David Hasselhoff sung, “Guardians Inferno.” Among them, Peter Quill, Yondu, Mantis, Nebula, Gamora, and just before they concluded, the Grandmaster.