Jeff Goldblum Reacts To Internet Memes

If The Fly or Jurassic Park had been released in the age of social media, Jeff Goldblum would [...]

If The Fly or Jurassic Park had been released in the age of social media, Jeff Goldblum would almost certainly have become massively popular and controversial on the internet.

With hindsight and a nostalgic affection for the actor, most of what we get instead is memes, largely capitalizing on the eccentric personalities of the characters he plays, the actor's unique look, and the fact that he's that sort of celebrity who, like Chuck Norris or Nicolas Cage, seems to have his own odd brand of internet humor associated with him.

And, yes, Goldblum himself has seen those memes -- as he demonstrated on The Graham Norton Show.

The Thor: Ragnarok actor may be at odds with his Jurassic Park co-star Sam Neil, who called one of the memes "stomach churning," because Goldblum seems to find all of them -- as well as Neil's response -- pretty funny in the video above.

Last month, Marvel Studios announced that Goldblum will play the Grandmaster in Thor: Ragnarok, Marvel's third Thor standalone movie.

Created by Roy Thomas and Sal Buscema in 1969, the character first appeared in Avengers #69. The Grandmaster is one of the Elders of the Universe (like the Collector in Guardians of the Galaxy). He is one of the oldest living beings in the universe. While his exact origin is lost to time, he is the virtually immortal sole survivor of one of the first intelligent races to evolve on one of the first galaxies created by the Big Bang.

Where his "brother," the Collector, obsesses over gathering rare and unique items and specimens from across the galaxy, the Grandmaster pours his energy into games. Having studied the games of countless civilizations across the universe, the Grandmaster took to creating his own games, tournaments, and contests, usually with pretty high stakes. Typically this involves collecting outstanding individuals or groups from across time, space, and realities to battle one another. These contests have involved the Avengers, the Defenders, the Squadron Sinister, and even the Justice League.