Marvel Teases One-Shot That Will "Change Future of Comics"

After a big presence from Marvel Studios during both the Disney+ and Walt Disney Studios panels, [...]

After a big presence from Marvel Studios during both the Disney+ and Walt Disney Studios panels, Marvel editors CB Cebulksi and Tom Brevoort took the stage for a retrospective through the last eighty years of Marvel. To cap everything off, the pair teased a pretty massive event come December. Called Incoming, a post on the Marvel website suggests it's going to change "the future of comics."

They also shared a teaser image for the upcoming event, though it gives little to no hint at what's to come. A completely white silhouette can be seen in front of a pair of large, evil-looking eyes.

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

Starting with the background, it'd appear this major storyline will feature some characters from the cosmic corner of the Marvel library. If that's the case, the purple skin around the eyes could mean those peepers belong to the Mad Titan himself, Thanos. Solidifying this claim, perhaps, is the logo included towards the leg of the silhouetted character — which appears to be the planet Saturn in flames. For the uninitiated, Thanos is from Titan, one of the largest moons of — you guessed it — Saturn.

It's also unclear if this has anything to do with Marvel's upcoming Annihilation: Scourge storyline, which is set to drop in December after a one-shot launches everything in November.

Incoming is set to hit comic stores in December, and the full description released from Marvel can be found below.

"Today at the D23 Expo, Marvel Comics Editor-in-chief C.B. Cebulski and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort revealed the comic book one-shot that will shape the future of Marvel Comics into 2020 and beyond. From a single moment in the pages of the Dark Phoenix Saga to the events of Marvel Comics of today."

What do you think the big event is? Share your thoughts in the comments below!