Marvel Introduces New All-Father

Marvel brought its War of the Realms event to a close this week with War of the Realms #6, and [...]

Marvel brought its War of the Realms event to a close this week with War of the Realms #6, and though the war has finally ended there is plenty of new revelations that Marvel will use as jumping off points for the universe going forward. One of the biggest revelations occurred in the final page of the issue, and it represents a major change for not only Thor but also Asgard and the other realms. Big time spoilers coming for War of the Realms #6, so if you haven't read the issue yet you've been warned.

In the issue we see the Thors work together to take down Malekith, and in the process, they end up freeing Odin and Freyja from Malekith's forces. The Thors manage to defeat his forces by the end of the issue, and afterward, Odin shares a moment with his son. H tells Thor well done, and when Thor goes to say Father Odin interrupts him, saying "no. I don't deserve that title. Perhaps I never have."

He then says "Now you may call me your loyal subject" and starts to bow. He continues, saying "and I'll call you what you deserve...".

(Photo: Marvel)

He then fully bows before Thor and says "All hail the rightful lord of Asgard. Savior of the Realms. All Hail...All-Father Thor."

Odin has always guarded his position as All-Father, but throughout War of the Realms and even before his thinking has changed a bit, especially after seeing his son in action throughout this chaotic war. Now it's time to pass on the mantle, and while Thor is not sure if he's up to it, we're pretty sure he'll be fine.

You can check out the spoiler images above.

War of the Realms #6 is written by Jason Aaron and drawn by Russell Dauterman with a cover by Arthur Adams, and you can check out the official description below.

"THE WORLD-SHATTERING CONCLUSION! The tides begin to turn as unexpected allies appear in a twist that will shake the heavens! Malekith's allies are faltering at last before the might of all Earth's heroes, but the Dark Elf King has one final trick — and it's got a VENOMOUS bite! Out of options, the God of Thunder makes a sacrifice that will leave him forever changed. But will it be enough? And what heroes may fall in his wake? Midgard's fate is sealed as Jason Aaron's years-long saga comes to its epic conclusion!"

War of the Realms #6 is in comic stores now.