Marvel Zombies Live-Action Project Potentially in the Works

The fan-favorite Marvel Zombies idea finally got its moment in the spotlight this past week, as it was the subject of the latest episode of Marvel's What If...?. The animated anthology series deals with a different possibility in the multiverse each week, and the Zombies episode introduced an undead apocalypse to Earth's Mightiest Heroes, showing many of the Avengers as flesh-eating villains. Based on the popular comic from Robert Kirkman and Sean Phillips, this episode of What If...? has seemed like the only bit of Zombies we might see from Marvel Studios, but that may not actually be the case.

As it turns out, Marvel Zombies might be getting the live-action treatment in some form or fashion in the future. There hasn't been sort of announcement from Marvel Studios about such a project, but former Marvel Comics writer Mark Millar hinted at something in the pipeline in a recent newsletter. 

Millar, known for penning Marvel's original Civil War, wrote, "(if my sources are correct) a little live-action Marvel Zombies further down the line, but you never heard that from me."

This could be written off as just a writer sharing some chatter they overheard at one point or another, but it's worth remembering just how connected to Marvel Zombies Millar actually is. While The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman wrote the original Marvel Zombies miniseries, it spun out of Millar's Fantastic Four comic. If something does happen with Marvel Zombies, Millar could potentially get a piece of the check, so he'd likely be in the know.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe isn't going to suddenly turn its biggest heroes into zombies for a one-off movie or TV event, so the Zombies project (if it does exist) will have the debut of the multiverse to thank. By going to another reality in the live-action franchise, Marvel could explore some new ideas with that property. That said, even in an alternate dimension, is the MCU really going to have its most popular, bankable stars start tearing flesh off of fellow Avengers. So the franchise will need to get creative with how it approaches the property if it does indeed plan on a live-action iteration.

Would you like to see a live-action version of Marvel Zombies? Let us know in the comments!